Flockey — The Latest White-Label Addition To GET Protocol

Colby Mort
Open Ticketing Ecosystem
3 min readApr 17, 2021

On Wednesday, 14th April we took part in an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on the r/cryptocurrency subreddit which gave the wider cryptocurrency community an opportunity to ask any burning questions they had about GET Protocol. It was fantastic seeing so many unique questions and ideas come our way! Of course in the true nature of an AMA, we hinted at some things to come, one of which was an introduction to GET Protocol’s newest white-label integrator - Flockey.

Flockey is a newly formed venture that combines GET Protocol smart ticketing with Forkbeard and EY patented technology. This system gives event organisers a way to set up their events with safety in mind for all attendees and crew. By utilising anonymous proximity monitoring and contact tracing, potential COVID risks can be mitigated and an anonymous notification system gives peace of mind to the organisation and individuals if any potential risk occurs. This further expands on COVID-proof event capabilities offered using GET Protocol.

The first event that Flockey is lending its monitoring services to is the Eurovision Song Contest which takes place in Rotterdam this year. Take a look at Flockey’s mobile application on the App Store for a further picture on how they’re implementing their monitoring services:

It is important to note that tickets for Eurovision ’21 have already been issued prior to the pandemic and are not GET fuelled.

A GET Protocol Overview

For those who may have just discovered us, GET Protocol is a 100% digital ticketing system that has been built, battle tested and fine-tuned at real events by real, non-digital savvy attendees. The goal from day one has been to deliver a tout-proof service that improves the general event experience whilst providing a range of innovations under the hood.

GET Protocol utilises a blockchain agnostic approach along with NFTs and cryptocurrency to provide transparency and honesty to ticketing. Thanks to the inherent public nature of blockchain, it becomes possible to keep every actor in the ticketing chain accountable.

Since 2016, GET Protocol has been used in live events around Europe, with 600,000 tickets sold and not one ticket re-sold for proft. GET Protocol offers a white-label solution which allows any party worldwide to integrate the protocol and issue our smart tickets in their local markets under their own branding.

As mentioned in our monthly blog update in March, there’s an incredible amount of interest from prospective ticketeers around the world looking to integrate GET Protocol for their event ticketing. We can’t wait to share more white-label updates with you over the coming months!

In green, countries of parties reaching out to us with interest in adopting GET Protocol, either through GUTS or whitelabeling.

More about GET Protocol

As always, if you have comments, questions or suggestions, please drop in to our active Telegram channel, and be sure to follow us on Twitter.

How to help out
If you are a fan of our system and want to help out, you can do so by leaving a review about GET Protocol user GUTS on Google, the iOS app store or Google Play store.

Where to buy GET
Want to get your hands on some GET tokens? Here’s an easy guide.

A blockchain-based honest ticketing solution for all.

Our Korean Telegram channel can be found here, and our Naver page is here.

Learn more
If you want to know more about what we do, visit our website, or join the discussion on the GET Protocol Reddit.

