Scaling the NFT Ticketing use case globally — GET Protocol X Polygon

GET Protocol’s NFT ticketing solution is coming to Polygon. This marks the beginning of a collaboration between one of crypto’s most widely adopted projects with one of the leaders in blockchain scalability and innovation.

Colby Mort
Open Ticketing Ecosystem
5 min readMay 27, 2021


Bringing blockchain to the masses ain’t always easy

Since 2016, GET Protocol has issued over 700,000 digital tickets (all registered on chain) to unknowing event attendees across several countries.

From stadium concerts and massive raves to small theater and comedy shows, hundreds of thousands of attendees have already experienced the benefits of GET Protocol’s innovative tickets. And we’re only just getting started.

All GET-powered events, with unknowing early adopters of kick-ass blockchain tech.

Finding a home for our NFT Tickets has been a long process that has given us a vast insight into the various platforms currently available. It has always been our prerogative to ensure that the platform of choice provides stability whilst being a scalable solution that supports our blockchain activity, ranging from our current NFT registration to our upcoming DeFi plans.

With this said, we’re happy to announce today that we’ve found a platform that goes above and beyond this criteria and our NFT Tickets are settled in and ready to ticket events. That home is of course Polygon!

Background on Polygon

So what is Polygon? Polygon offers a multi-chain scaling solution that combines the best of Ethereum compatible blockchain networks with an interoperable protocol that has been designed for a scalable and flexible experience.

What this means is that Polygon essentially offers blockchains that run alongside the Ethereum mainchain, which are faster and cheaper than the mainchain itself. Users can bridge between the Ethereum mainchain and Polygon sidechains in order to have a quick and easy way of transacting without heavy fees.

Why GET Protocol Benefits From Polygon

Our NFT Ticketing solution requires a platform that can support the growth in volume of ticketing whilst providing unwavering stability without compromising on decentralisation.

With a system that has such good interoperability with the Ethereum chain, it is notable how many large and reputable projects are moving to Polygon. These projects feature helpful services to GET Protocol, such as various DeFi tools which are useful for us as we further move towards our decentralised financing services.

It’s always good however to again re-iterate that we are a blockchain agnostic project and will always be looking at ways we can implement projects and tools that can benefit the ticketing experience we provide.

How GET Protocol’s NFT Ticketing Benefits Polygon

GET Protocol is of course bringing a real world, industry disrupting system to the Polygon chain. Our NFT Tickets introduce a novel use case that many in the NFT community have not discovered currently.

By integrating onto the Polygon chain, we’re showing to the wider cryptocurrency community that Polygon is a platform that businesses can trust and rely upon for their blockchain needs. With 700,000+ tickets sold through the protocol to date and many more to come, we believe this is a great vote of confidence for Polygon.

What is to come?

The arrival at Polygon will take place upon the launch of our new NFT Ticket explorer, which is is set to be released in a matter of days. Not only will ticket holders and others interested in the protocol be able to track all NFT ticket activity, the explorer will also open the door to NFT collectibles linked to real world experiences.

We’re of course working closely with the Polygon team to highlight this partnership and ensure a good working relationship as we move forward. It also goes without saying that now we’ve fully integrated our ticketing onto Polygon, we are working hard to open up discovery of NFT Ticketing to the wider community and bring this exciting use case to everyone looking to further the expansion of blockchain adoption.

Stay tuned for more information!

About GET Protocol
GET Protocol is a blockchain-based smart ticketing solution, that currently allows several ticketing companies across Europe and Asia to issue innovative & transparent tickets. Roughly 700,000+ tickets have already been sold using the protocol since it was founded in 2017, and new ticketing companies have been added recently in Germany, Italy and South Korea.

Additional information

As always, if you have comments, questions or suggestions, please drop in to our active Telegram channel, and be sure to follow us on Twitter.

Learn more
If you want to know more about what we do, read our whitepaper, visit our website, or join the discussion on the GET Protocol Reddit.

Where to buy GET
Want to get your hands on some GET tokens? Here’s an easy guide.

A blockchain-based honest ticketing solution for all.

Our Korean Telegram channel can be found here, and our Naver page is here.

How to help out
If you are a fan of our system and want to help out, you can do so by spreading the word, sharing our content and leaving a review about GUTS on Google, the iOS app store or Google Play store.

