Killing Excuses 2017: Eating Healthy is Too Expensive

Johnny Muscle
Published in
7 min readFeb 12, 2017

Bag of frozen ravioli, can of tomato sauce, loaf of garlic bread and a bottle of 2 Buck Chuck and you’re got dinner for two for around under $10. You also have enough carbs for two weeks… during bulking season.

My two biggest hurdles to cover with most new clients are

  1. I can’t eat this much. It will make make me fat.
  2. Eating healthy is too expensive. The are easy replies for me (usually).

1. You’re eating like a bird now and you’re not losing weight or are overweight, obese, etc.
2. You think healthy food is expensive, try paying for being sick.

You don’t have to buy fresh organic GMO veggies and free range tofu. Frozen veggies are a way better option than bagged chips. Even the organic chips!!!

Whole Foods = Whole Paycheck

Tips for eating healthy and not being broke

Where not to shop

I don’t care how trendy and hip it is, stay out of Whole Foods, Earth Fare, Trader Joe’s and any other place plagued by hipster dudes in skinny jeans and skinny-fat woman. On a side note, I am fairly sure those places lower testosterone and kill gains almost as bad as your bank account.

Where to shop instead

I know some of these guys are big corporations that pay so little their employees still get food stamps yadda yadda. That’s a different story, so unless you want to be broke too, you need to frequent Walmart, Aldi’s, your local farmers markets, discount food stores, and other big chain food stores. Harris Teeter runs a ton of sales so check them out each week. Sam’s club has the best day to day prices on meat. So don’t be afraid to check them out, and if you’re feeling froggy, buy 50lbs of rice. Not that you’re gonna need that unless the zombies come….

Stretching the Dollar Further

Check for “clearance” meats. You find sirloin for $3.54 a pound? Buy all of it. You’re getting lean red meat for for $1.77 per 8oz serving. A fast food burger costs more! Throw the extra in freezer bags and freeze them. Eat them over the next few weeks or months.

Frozen veggies are a great way to get a lot of variety for cheap plus, they keep much longer than fresh veggies. I usually stock up in 10 for $10 deals, or buy the big bags of store brand. Too keep the big bag stuff from getting freezer burnt, throw meal size portions in freezer bags. Frozen fruit is a good option as well, just make sure they didn’t add a ton of sugar.

Canned veggies are major staple in my house. If you regularly sweat, and if you’re on one of my workout programs you’re gonna sweat, then don’t worry about the added sodium. If you’re still worried, you can opt for the low sodium options. Either option is a great budget buy. Harris Teeter has 10/$6 all the time. Don’t hesitate to hit up the discount and “scratch and dent” groceries stores too. I have bought veggies for $.10 a can.

You should however, avoid canned fruit. There is usually a lot of added sugar or it is in syrup. Delicious, not nutritious.

Fresh berries are a good option and are almost always on sale somewhere. Just don’t go crazy and eat 4 lbs of grapes in an episode of The Blacklist. You might as well have saved the money and ate chips.

Every. Damn. Time.

What you need in your shopping cart to keep the wallet fat and the waist slim!

We are not going to go into macros, diet details, or discuss what program is best, we will just be pointing out a few staple items you can look great and not break the bank in the process.


These need to be a staple of your diet. 1–2+ servings per meal. Stock up when you find these guys in sale.

39 cents a pound? Buy all of it!!!
  • Eggs — Aldi’s usually has a dozen around $1. I’ve seen it as cheap as $.78!
  • Steaks — Any time I see steak under $5/lb or so I stock up. Under $4? I buy them all!
  • Chicken thighs and leg quarters — I have paid $.39/lb. I bought 60lbs!!
  • Ground beef —This is another threshold buy. If I see 85/15 or leaner around $2/lb I buy in bulk. Sam’s club is usually around this price.
  • Chicken breasts — Never pay more than $2. Period.
  • Canned tuna is a good source of protein, I just can’t stomach the stuff.


Eat less carbs on days you’re not lifting weights. When eating carbs partition them around workout time. Skip them at breakfast too. (Breakfast Scam Article).

  • Rice
  • Potatoes
  • Steel cut oatmeal
  • Fresh fruit and berries (occasionally and in moderation)


Fats are arguably the most delicious macro! Fat plays a key roll in your diet. Here are a few of my go to’s

  • Grass fed Butter — A little pricier but definitely worth it IMO
  • Coconut oil — Sam’s has a “purified” version. No smell, no taste. Great for cooking, adding to coffee, or really anything.
  • Olive oil — I pretty much only use this for Italian dishes, and adding to my salads.
  • Avocados, pre-made guacamole — Aldi’s is usually the cheapest and delicious.
  • Cheese and other dairy — You may want to steer clear of dairy if you are trying to lean out though.
  • BACON!!! — Ok bacon is normally pretty expensive. Harris Teeter has the occasional buy 2 get 3 free sale. I usually it all in 2 weeks. Stock up!


Pretty self explanatory. Eat veggies of every color, every day.

  • Spaghetti squash
  • Cucumbers
  • Fresh greens, darker the better
  • Pretty much anything frozen
  • Canned veggies

Tools of the trade

Some Necessities and a few Nice-ssities. Saving time and making food edible is a big deal.

Miley needs to jump in the squat rack. BAD!

Freezer bags
Buy in bulk and save. I even have a chest freezer. Regular zip locks are good for snack bags.

Meal prep containers

Make food. Eat food. Don’t throw away food or buy meals out. Easy money.

Slow cooker
You can put tougher cuts of meat in there and have a delicious, tender meal with very little hands on time and it’s almost always a cheaper meat. And remember, time is money.

Sous Vide Cooker
OK you don’t really NEED this, but it is pretty damn awesome. It can make anyone a better chef and takes a lot of the room for error out of cooking. I love mine. Remember, wasting food is wasting money and nothing wastes food faster than it tasting like it was made for a prison.

Power Pressure Cooker

This is another Nice-ssity but I am beginning to think this is a necessity. You can make pretty much everything you can ever imagine in about an hour. Remember, time is money.

A few closing tips

  • Stop eating stuff you didn’t make at home. Seriously. Last time I ordered food, it was $84 delivered. 2 meals, a little sushi, an appetizer, and a salad.

Food from a restaurant + delivery company mark up + delivery fees + tip = pretty much a week worth of healthy groceries. Delivery steals dollars.

  • Don’t buy food at gas stations. Do you REALLY need that $1.99 2oz bag of almonds or are you just munching? Buy them in bulk, (Sam’s, Aldi’s Walmart etc) and throw a few in a mini snack bag. Look! You just saved enough money to buy a pound of chicken.
  • Vending machines… same as gas stations. Don’t. Do. It.
  • Clip coupons and shop sales. I don’t do it (time is money), but I know people who save a ton of money doing it.

Exception to the rules???

I know, I know… I said don’t eat food you don’t make at home, but let’s be realistic. You’re going to want to get out if the house, not have to cook and clean, and just go flaunt that tightened ass or bulging biceps you got on one of our custom programs, so go for it. Grab a Groupon for a local restaurant and have a good time. Eat smart, relax, and have a great night out on the town with a loved one or friends. Being stressed, burnt out, and cooped up can break a diet down faster than being stranded in an Oreo factory.

I hoped this article helped show you it really is a lot cheaper, both now, and in the long run to eat healthy. All it takes is a little bit of planning, effort, and a few hours a week shopping and cooking. But what if you don’t have time??? We have got you covered in Killing Excuses 2017: I Don’t Have Time to…



Johnny Muscle

Your source for no-nonsense mental and physical health, diet, strength and conditioning, & all things awesome.