6 Great Ways to Celebrate National Senior Citizens Day on August 21

Liz Miller
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2020
Photo by Nikoline Arns on Unsplash

There are lots of amazing holidays out there, that unfortunately aren’t national days off work, but are a great fun way to celebrate a day. With everything that has been going on with COVID-19 this year, it’s even more important these days to celebrate those who have made a difference.

National Senior Citizens Day is August 21. It was first established in 1988 by President Ronald Regan (though it was originally called National Day of Third Age). Upon signing the proclamation to officially include a holiday that celebrates the contributions of older adults, the former president said,

“For all that, they have achieved throughout their lives and for all that they continue to do, we owe our gratitude and sincere greetings to our senior citizens. We can show our gratitude and appreciation better by making sure our communities are good places. Age and maturity, places where older people can participate as much as possible and find the encouragement, acceptance, support, and services they need to continue living a life of independence and dignity.”

National Senior Citizens Day is meant to recognize and acknowledge the contributions of older people to society — that’s why GetSetup will be hosting a Senior Citizens EveryDay Heroes Social Hour. Join us and bring stories of seniors who have contributed to society — be that yourself, friends, family, or anyone that has inspired you through their actions.

6 Great Ways to Celebrate Senior Citizens Day

  1. Host a Dinner — Invite an inspiring senior to a dinner. Cook together online or get together if that is possible in your area to share stories and celebrate their accomplishments!
  2. Throw a Party — Host a virtual party to honor a senior (or multiple seniors) in your life. Give it a theme like a disco party or a cocktail hour. For other great virtual party ideas check out this article in Bash.
  3. Learn a new skill — Learn a new skill following in the footsteps of a senior citizen role model be that programming at Iron Hack, a university course on Coursera, or taking a course at GetSetup like Tips for taking better photos with your iPhone or building your first website.
  4. Volunteer — Volunteer to show your support for senior citizens by volunteering at a local event, sending postcards to senior living homes, or through other organizations.
  5. Nominate a Senior Leader Nominate a leader 50+ for the GetSetup Leadership Challenge. Five winners get great prizes and all nominees get a prize. Find out more here.
  6. Share History — Share your history with friends or family, or that of an older adult in your family to celebrate the great things they have done!

No matter how you choose to celebrate the senior citizens in your life make sure they know their value and importance on this special day made just for them!



Liz Miller

A passionate writer dedicated to her work with education, content creation, and making the world a better place!