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Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog
Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog
Software Engineer and Web Developer from Scotland
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Following on from my obsession with code just now, over the weekend I created a two day project for pasting code.

CodePaste was actually designed for my own needs. I wanted to be able to paste code without any of the guff that normally comes with such services (such as bloated…


For the past few months now I’ve been hinting that I’ve been working on something huge and exciting but couldn’t tell anyone what it was all about. Well today I can finally reveal what it is that’s been keeping me busy and excited and I’m sure you’re going to love it.

BioThemes Launches

As I eluded to a few weeks ago, BioThemes was very close to launching. Well today is that day.

It’s been a long couple of weeks getting everything finalised for the launch, but we made it and I’m very proud of our flagship theme ShowOff (even though we are launching it…