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Web Development

Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog
Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog
Software Engineer and Web Developer from Scotland
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Digg’s Multipart XMLHttpRequests

The developers at Digg have come up with an interesting way to speed up load times of high performance websites. They have taken the idea that reducing the number of HTTP requests per page speeds up website performance, and come up with a technique called MXHR (Multipart…

CSS3 Techniques You Should Use Today

Following the principles of progressive enhancement I am going to show you some CSS3 techniques which I have been using in my sites recently and which I would encourage you to start using as well.

Speed Up Your Site with Simple Caching in PHP

After reading David Walsh’s “Retrieve, Cache, and Display Your FeedBurner Subscriber Count” post I was inspired to expand on the example he had created and created my own simple PHP caching class. To be honest I was amazed at the results. So I’ve…

A Pratical Guide to Using AJAX in Web Apps

I have been doing a lot of work recently on MakeSomeTime and my final year Uni project (which is a web app) and both use a substancial amount of AJAX to power them. So what I want to do here is build on a previous article and outline a practical solution…

Transmit 4

Transmit 4 After seeing @panic’s Transmit 4 I really wish someone would develop software that looks and works that good on Windows.