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Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog
Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog
Software Engineer and Web Developer from Scotland
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The WordPress 3.0 functions.php File

WordPress 3.0 looms on the horizon with loads of great new features including custom navigation menus, custom header and background management, proper support for custom post types and taxonomies, multi-site feature (WPMU), custom author profiles, I could go on…

WordPress Description META Tag

According to this post WordPress does not include description and keyword meta tags by default. Their reasoning for this is simple: the information is unique to your site and should therefore be included by yourself.

Is WordPress a CMS?

There is a conversation going on over of Forrst about saying “WordPress as a CMS”. Inevitably the conversation has come down to a debate over the definition of a “CMS”. My thoughts are this:

WordPress was a blogging engine, it is now a publishing platform. It’s not a…

I’ve Moved Back to WordPress

Last may I decided to try Tumblr and have a go at hosted blogging. While it was a nice experience (it lasted almost a year after all) a few things bugged me, including the infamous Tumblr down time, lack of customization options and a lack of theme documentation.

Moving WordPress: Useful SQL Queries

Recently I moved this blog from an old URL to a new URL. Part of the complication of doing this is there are several places in the WordPress database where URL’s are stored. This means that when you move to a new domain the database still has all of the old URL’s…