Go to Girlsay Stories
Girlsay Stories
Eradicating sexism and misogyny in the workplace one smart, witty, positive, unapologetic story at a time.
Note from the editor

Founded by 2 ad women to eradicate sexism and misogyny in the workplace one story at a time. We’re looking for smart, witty, positive, unapologetic essays. We can’t help unless we start sharing, so #tellit right here, or email anonymous submissions (we will respect and protect your privacy) to girlsaystories@gmail.com. Please note! We’re not a gossip column or revenge pub! No names in your essays please; we want to help build careers, not tear them down! Also, your piece doesn’t have to be classic first person! If it fits the bill, it can be fiction, satire, poetry, or graphic novel. As long as it raises awareness about sexism in the workplace. We applaud creativity! FINALLY: we are new at this. If you’ve published and want to be included, send us a message, smoke signal, email. We’re just getting the hang of this!

Go to the profile of Megan Colleen McGlynn
Megan Colleen McGlynn
MCM is s content creator, a copywriter, and some other stuff probably.
Go to the profile of Lisa Leone
Lisa Leone
writer. creative director. chocolate chip cookie maker. monty python lover. www.lisaleone.net
Go to the profile of GirlsayStories
Go to the profile of heidi hackemer
heidi hackemer
riding. running. living.
Go to the profile of Denise Mullé
Go to the profile of Karla S. Mastracchio
Karla S. Mastracchio
Cultural Studies and Political Rhetoric Professor, Public Affairs Ninja, Champagne Enthusiast, FurMom.
Go to the profile of RamOna
Coder. Future baker & always a chocolate enthusiast. Love geeks.
Go to the profile of Kat Michie
Kat Michie
Kat Michie is a Creative Director and Art Director living in San Francisco.