GitPOAP 2022 Recap

Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2023

Hey there builders & supporters… it’s 2023! We want to start off with a 2022 recap of GitPOAP’s progress:

April 2022: GitPOAP launched! — GitPOAP’s aim in launching was to create an incentive structure that was easily configurable for projects, especially open-source, to reward the people who spend their valuable time to helping to build.

  • Day 1: 189 mints from just 17 repos, 152 new profiles created
  • July: 874 mints, 448 repos now supported
  • 2022: 2590 mints, 1029 repos supported
a bar graph with time as the x-axis, where the data show a consistent number of mints throughout time, with a low period from after launch until july, when many more projects were onboarded
Mints over time in 2022
a line graph with time as the x-axis that shows the number of projects supported throughout 2022. There’s a steady incline, with some small spikes on days where more projects were onboarded (likely after a weekend)
Number of projects supported in 2022
A line graph with time as the x-axis, that shows the number of GitPOAP profiles creates over time in 2022. There’s a steep incline beginning in the end of October that’s sustained throughout the rest of 2022.
Profiles created in 2022

We spent the summer focusing on supporting any repo who was open source and seeking to reward existing contributors and attract new ones. But our engineers were also working diligently on making GitPOAP an increasingly useful tool for project maintainers.

In 2022, we implemented a number of features:

  • Custom GitPOAPs to give maintainers flexibility in recognizing non-coding contributors
  • Github bot
    ☞ Ability to award contributors on-demand without a merged pull request
    ☞ Notification bot comment for new eligibility
  • Public API
  • Self service flow for creating a GitPOAP
  • Github status badges for GitPOAP eligibility
  • Hackathon support
  • GitPOAP leaderboard
  • Search functionality for organizations & projects

And integrations:

And we also hosted a community call series:

Dedicated members of our team attended and built connections at Devconnect, EthDenver, EthCC, EthBerlin, DAppCon, Devcon, Github Universe & the MIT Bitcoin Expo Hackathon

We’d call it a fruitful year and we’re super grateful to have you with us. We’ve got a ton on our roadmap this year, so we’ll talk to you at the next update!

