Introducing GitPOAP

Colfax Selby
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2021

Edit: we’ve now launched! 🥳 You can find all of the details here:

Creating code is a performative art. Each performance is unique and deserves to be recognized.

GitPOAP is a platform integrating POAP issuance into GitHub. This provides software projects with a novel way to recognize and nurture their communities while enabling contributors to build a public, immutable record of their work.

What is a POAP?

A POAP is a digital collectible created as an NFT (non-fungible token) that represents an action taken by the owner, like a participation trophy or achievement badge. POAPs exist with cryptographic provability on the blockchain and are displayable as badges viewable by anyone.

How does GitPOAP work?

Project maintainers will work with our team to identify what meaningful contributions look like for their project. We’ll call upon our team of designers to create beautiful artwork, configure the POAPs, and reward them to the deserving contributions. Contributors will log into with their GitHub account to view and claim their POAPs.

At the beginning, the configuration and issuance will be manual because identifying meaningful contributions is more of an art than a science. We’re building tools to help you detect meaningful contributions in the future and decipher their varying levels of impact so you can recognize them accordingly.

What’s next?

This on-chain record of contributions can be used to underpin many additional applications. Think of things like and, but catered specifically to benefitting software projects and their communities. We’ll also build SDKs and tooling to enable others to build their own ideas atop GitPOAP, enriching the ecosystem for everyone. If this interests you, please reach out.

A few ideas we have in the works:

  • Public goods funding
  • Resume
  • Project recommendation engine
  • Recruiting

Sign me up!

Follow us on Twitter and head on over to to drop us your email or suggest a repo.


Wen launch?

Q1 2022

How do I configure this for my repo?

Send it to us at and we’ll add it to our list.

What about POAP farming?

Every contribution will be reviewed manually at the start and a POAP will only be rewarded if it is meaningful — this is to minimize any incentive to game the system.

