Launching GitPOAP

Colfax Selby
Published in
4 min readMar 21, 2022

GitPOAP exists to memorialize software contributions as POAPs. We’re beginning by building a platform for minting POAPs based on GitHub activity.

Our inspiration for building GitPOAP comes from wanting to solve challenges of recognition and reputation building that we’ve experienced first-hand as open source developers and maintainers.

This on-chain record of achievement enables a new ecosystem of web3 applications powered by reputation and identity.

If you missed our Intro Post, you can read it here:

Soo, wen POAP?

We’re excited to announce that we’ll be launching on April 7th 😊

We’ll be having a little party to celebrate with community contributors on April 9th at 12:00pm EST. Keep an eye on our Twitter and Discord for details. There will be a special POAP for attending 👀

Who is getting POAPs?

We’re starting off by reaching back in history and issuing historical, annual contributor POAPs to anyone who has contributed to a cohort of open source projects central to Ethereum.

Right now we’re focused on software contributions, so if you’ve had a PR merged for any of the projects, you’ll get that year’s annual contributor POAP.

We’re thankful for this beloved launch cohort for supporting our initiative from the start and helping us evolve the platform.

And here are a few of the designs 😍

How can I mint my POAPs?!?

You’ll be able to connect your wallet and log in with your GitHub account on once we go live. It’ll show you what POAPs you’re eligible to mint and guide you through the process.

What else does GitPOAP do?

In addition to POAP minting, we’ve created a way for you to show off and share your collection. Think of it as your digital resume. More details on this coming soon.

How can I get my project added to GitPOAP?

You can get started by submitting your repo through the form here. If you’ve already filled it out, sit tight, we’ll be reaching out once we’re able to onboard you.

We aim to eventually open the platform up for self-service, so you can onboard your repo & mint POAPs to your contributors yourself.

What’s next?

We have a lot in the pipeline for GitPOAP. We’re focused on two major workstreams.

  • Evolving our minting platform to onboard more projects, offering more customization around minting POAPS, and integrating with hackathons.
  • Bringing value to GitPOAP holders through native features in and GitPOAP-gated integrations into other apps.

See you soon

We’re excited to share GitPOAP with the community!

If you have any questions or think you’d make a good fit to integrate don’t hesitate to reach out to us at You can also follow our progress on twitter and participate in the fun on our discord server.

PS — We’re hiring!

If this excites you, reach out to us at We’re looking to fill many different roles:

  • Community & Social (remote friendly) — someone to help with community & social media initiatives. Ideally this candidate will grow organically within our community and eventually join us full-time.
  • Strategy & Operations (remote friendly) — assist with outreach, onboarding, and strategy for how we can best add value to the ecosystem. Ideal candidates are passionate about open source software and have strong communication & writing skills.
  • Design (remote friendly) — we’re looking to bring a full-time designer on board who can help primarily with product design & branding as well as POAPs and other ad-hoc needs. We’re also always looking for more POAP designers (part-time) that we can call upon on an as-needed basis.
  • Engineering (NYC or Boston based) — we’re a TypeScript shop looking for both FE and BE engineers that are self-motivated and have experience building & shipping quickly.


What’s the difference between a GitPOAP and a POAP?

GitPOAP is a platform built on top of the POAP protocol. GitPOAPs are regular POAPs, they are just minted through GitPOAP. They are viewable in any POAP viewing tool and have a distinctive border around them to signify that they are GitPOAPs and represent a contribution you’ve made to a project.

Are GitPOAPs soulbound?

No. Although (in real life) your contributions are soulbound to you, we do not currently see the need to have GitPOAPs be soulbound to a particular address. In the future we believe people’s decentralized identities will be made up of many addresses, alongside the fact that there are justified reasons for moving tokens around. The blockchain provides transparency on how tokens are transferred so we can always find out if a GitPOAP is held by its original owner if necessary.

This, however, is an area of research and focus for us and we strive to do what’s best for for the ecosystem.

Will GitPOAP be open source?

Our goal is to become a trusted authority and oracle to bring off-chain contributions on chain. We are concerned that if we are open source from the start, it may dilute the quality of information coming on chain. We aim to open source as much of our platform as possible, but since there are many unknown unknowns we’ll be mostly closed source at the start.

Wen GitLab, Bitbucket, radicle, etc?

We’re focused on GitHub for now, but we’ll be integrating into other code repositories as well as non-software contribution tools in the future. If you have a particular request, drop us a message at

