Go to GITS Apps Insight
GITS Apps Insight
Journal about apps development for business and eCommerce from GITS Indonesia, a Google Certified Agency and Google Cloud Partner. | Website: gits.id
Note from the editor

Journal about apps development for business and eCommerce from GITS Indonesia, a Google Certified Agency and Google Cloud Partner. | Website: gits.id

Go to the profile of Ray Rizaldy
Ray Rizaldy
co-founder & CEO of @gitsindonesia, a Google Certified Agency.
Go to the profile of Jacqueline
Talk about tech, marketing, or fiction. Talk more: https://linkedin.com/in/jacq-j/
Go to the profile of Jacqueline
Talk about tech, marketing, or fiction. Talk more: https://linkedin.com/in/jacq-j/
Go to the profile of Radhika Yusuf
Radhika Yusuf
Software Engineer — Android at Stockbit
Go to the profile of Mochamad Iqbal Dwi Cahyo
Mochamad Iqbal Dwi Cahyo
A geek enthusiast. Sometimes photographer, culinary seeker or traveler. He ready to craft ideas!
Go to the profile of Shinta Dwi Handayani
Go to the profile of Naufal Herwandi
Naufal Herwandi
Chief Operating Officer of GITS Indonesia
Go to the profile of Yatno Sudar
Yatno Sudar
Thinking About Simply Process. Father Yumna. Technical Lead Developer at GITS Indonesia.
Go to the profile of Irfan Irawan Sukirman, S.Kom.
Irfan Irawan Sukirman, S.Kom.
Software Engineer @bts.id | Baker @yamitsuki.indonesia
Go to the profile of Ibnu Sina W
Ibnu Sina W
Android | GITS Indonesia | Google Developer Group Bandung | Dokudroid Shop | Komiksetoran | Entrepreneur |
Go to the profile of Reza Maskadi
Go to the profile of Yuliana Uli
Go to the profile of Hedda Elfrida (@dhahedda)
Hedda Elfrida (@dhahedda)
I’m open to discuss about everything, just find me anywhere w/ my “code name” | Camp on Farm (co-founder & CRD) | GITS Indonesia (PO) | Eudeka.id (Instructor)
Go to the profile of Ryvaldie Hamdallah
Ryvaldie Hamdallah
Trying to have a good life and be happy. Still trying.
Go to the profile of Anggia Ramadhan
Go to the profile of Galih Prastian
Go to the profile of Chaeriansyah Putra Sinaga
Go to the profile of Anang Kurniawan
Anang Kurniawan
Android Developer at Sampingan
Go to the profile of Rifqi Fauzan Islam
Rifqi Fauzan Islam
Graphic Designer at GITS Indonesia
Go to the profile of Tika Febriyanti
Go to the profile of Inne Prinusantari
Inne Prinusantari
Enthusiast in women empowerment and leadership. I believe that creating/developing application is more than just writing a code.
Go to the profile of Warsono
Web Developer at GITS Indonesia
Go to the profile of Gina Nabila Muhajirah
Go to the profile of Hafizh Akmal
Go to the profile of Tri Rejeki
Tri Rejeki
iOS Developer & Mobile Development Enthusiast
Go to the profile of Reza Maskadi
Go to the profile of Farhan Naufal Ghani
Farhan Naufal Ghani
Interesting with Cloud Technoogy
Go to the profile of Irine Dilla Andika
Go to the profile of Bayu Waskita
Go to the profile of Nazir Ali
Go to the profile of Alif Shiddiq R.
Alif Shiddiq R.
People who really like learning from movies and crave to be able to eat beef wellington
Go to the profile of Maya Maulani
Go to the profile of Pedro Pradita
Pedro Pradita
Quality Assurance Engineer at GITS Indonesia
Go to the profile of Ade Gunawan
Go to the profile of Linmas Dita Sari
Go to the profile of Zamaludin Abdulah
Go to the profile of Deddy Yoga Pratama
Deddy Yoga Pratama
UX Design Learner
Go to the profile of Bonni Pratama
Go to the profile of Bonni Pratama Nugraha
Go to the profile of Mochammad Razid
Go to the profile of Muhammad Rahman
Go to the profile of Niken Wulandari
Niken Wulandari
I write stuff, then my brain doesn’t have to memorize it.
Go to the profile of Ansah Putra
Ansah Putra
UI/UX Designer who learns from experience and exploration, likes to riding to explore and to find some inspiration.
Go to the profile of Irfan Trianto
Go to the profile of Rizqi Nino Firms
Go to the profile of Johan Sutrisno
Johan Sutrisno
Android Developer
Go to the profile of Syahidul Akbar Mardhotillah
Syahidul Akbar Mardhotillah
Akbar’s experienced Frontend Web Developer at GITS Indonesia. Skilled in Vue.js, interested to Internet of Things.
Go to the profile of Didiet Agus Pambudiono
Didiet Agus Pambudiono
Just Another DevOps Engineer
Go to the profile of Muhammad Faisal Amir
Muhammad Faisal Amir
Android Developer
Go to the profile of Muhammad Firdaus
Muhammad Firdaus
Keep Learning And Never Give Up | Android Developer
Go to the profile of Andhiky Praminda Putra
Andhiky Praminda Putra
I Believe I can Fly
Go to the profile of Aldye Queen
Aldye Queen
Software Engineer | Data Analytic | Clown City Of Sundanese
Go to the profile of Huda Prasetyo
Huda Prasetyo
Currently doing Front-End things.
Go to the profile of Faza Kamilah
Go to the profile of Raka Fajar Salinggih
Go to the profile of Muhammad Abdurrahman
Go to the profile of Fakry Adi Permana
Go to the profile of Ayu Isnaini
Ayu Isnaini
A noob who wish to be a pro. Interested in IT | journalism | psychology | social movement esp: education, children, and literacy.
Go to the profile of Tresna Nurziyan
Go to the profile of Faruk Amin
Faruk Amin
Never ending improvement
Go to the profile of Intan Nurjanah
Intan Nurjanah
iOS Developer
Go to the profile of Alif Firmansyah
Go to the profile of Hadian Rahmat
Hadian Rahmat
In my free time, I enjoy jogging, cycling, and hiking. I am also an active local community IT Bandung
Go to the profile of Affan Maulana
Go to the profile of Nazmahwulanrhomadhona
Go to the profile of Nurul Helda