Tutorial: How to Export Highlights and Notes into Obsidian

Kei Watanabe
Published in
6 min readJun 11, 2022

Export highlights and notes from Glasp into Obsidian directly.

Look at this article for another way to export.

👉 Tutorial: How to Export Web Article’s Highlighted Sentences into Obsidian

Obsidian is a knowledge management valuable software for smart and convenient note-taking. This tutorial will learn how smart note-taking with Obsidian will increase your productivity using Glasp.

Step 1: Sign up for Glasp

Choose a browser you’re going to use — either Google Chrome, Brave, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.

On your search tab, type in “glasp.co” and you will be automatically directed to the page of Glasp. Or access it from the link below.

👉 Glasp — Web Page

Upon reaching it click “Sign up (beta)” and continue using your Google Account.

After finalizing your account, you will be redirected to Chrome Web Store.

Step 2: Install the Glasp extension to your browser

Click “Add to Chrome” (Chrome, Brave, Safari, Edge) then install Glasp to your chosen browser.

👉 Glasp — Chrome Web Store

👉 Glasp — Safari Web Store

Step 3: Got to Glasp Home Page

Once you’ve polished your Glasp extension, go to its home page. Here, you will see the sidebar opened where you can test highlighting words or sentences.

Also, you are free to choose your favorite topics. Choosing your topics could be a leap step as this will help you identify the articles in line with your interests.

Step 4: Highlight Articles

Start to discover, and read a wide range of articles depending on your topic interests which could be seen on your home page.

While on the top left corner, you can also see the “Explore” tab where you can discover various types of articles from different authors. Additionally, you can even see the top highlights, comments, and notes from other users of Glasp.

Through the articles, begin your search with what tweaks your interest and just simply start highlighting, type in your tags, and learn!


If you have Obsidian already, please skip to Step 7.

Step 5: Download Obsidian

On your chosen browser type on the search bar “obsidian.md” or open the link below.

👉 Obsidian — Home

Upon reaching the page, choose the downloadable platform applicable to your device and wait for it to install. It is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and other types of users.

Step 6: Prepare your Obsidian

Once it is installed, the Obsidian page should automatically pop up on your screen.

From here click the “Create” button on “Create new vault.”

Enter your preferred vault name, for instance, we wrote “Glasp.” Then, under “Location” click the “Browse” button to choose a location folder where you would want to save your new vault.

Then click “Create” to proceed.

After proceeding, your newly created vault in Obsidian will show on your screen. Accordingly, you can add a new note by clicking the “New note” button or pressing Ctrl + N for Windows users. Therefore, you can now save and compile all of your highlighted contents from Glasp.

Step 7: Exporting Highlights from Glasp to Obsidian

First and foremost, make sure you have highlighted a page, added your notes and comments (if any), and inputted your tags in articles using Glasp before exporting in Obsidian.

Three types of Exports into Obsidian

Export 1: One by one (Only one page or article)

On Glasp, go to “My Highlights” select ONE highlighted page that you like and click the “Share Your Highlights” button.

Download the file as an “MD file” (Markdown file) type, and from then save the file on the folder or vault you created on Obsidian.

Voila! Check Obsidian and you will automatically see your exported highlights and notes from Glasp.

Export 2: All at once (All pages or articles)

This export type is best to use particularly if you want to compile your highlights on different pages all at once from Glasp into Obsidian!

On your “My Highlights,” click the “Download As” button on the upper portion of the page, download your contents as an “MD file,” then save the file under your created folder or vault in Obsidian.

That’s it, all your highlights and notes in Glasp are exported into one place!

Export 3: By Tag (Tags of pages or articles)

If you want to export your highlights only for a specific topic or tagged articles, with Obsidian in Glasp, you may do so!

Your tags are visible on the left portion of the page under “My Highlights,” simply choose a specific tag you would want to export consisting of your highlighted pages and contents under that topic.

For instance, in this case, we chose the tag “Mindset.” As presented, it showed the highlighted pages that have a ‘Mindset’ tag on them.

Similarly to Export 2, click the “Download As” button on the upper portion of the page and set your download as “MD file” then save the file in your chosen folder or Obsidian vault.

Afterwards, you will then see in Obsidian the articles you’ve exported mainly with similar tags on them.

Step 8: Review contents on Obsidian

Open Obsidian and check if the highlighted sentences in articles and other contents; such as notes, highlights, comments, tags, etc. you’ve exported from Glasp are complete and compiled on the correct folder or vault.

Here’s an example of how your Obsidian would look like after you’ve exported contents from Glasp.

A quick and easy way, isn’t it? In just one platform you can now easily view, access, and edit your compiled highlights and notes with your favorite articles — it is certainly possible with Glasp and Obsidian!

Before you leave

If you have any questions, please look at FAQ or message us.

👉 FAQs

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Please look into the tutorials below if you want to export highlights into Obsidian, Notion, or Roam Research.

👉 Obsidian

👉 Notion

👉 Roam Research

See you next time,

Glasp team

*This article was written by Louiela.

