Welcome to the Upswing

Björn Jóhann
Glass Half Full
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2 min readSep 14, 2020

Good morning!

Welcome to the Upswing — the brand-new newsletter from the Glass Half Full publication. Every Monday morning, we will bring you the best articles of the week, focusing on good news and inspirational stories.

Mondays suck. This newsletter helps them suck less.

Are you struggling to be more optimistic? Addicted to doom-scrolling? Learn about the science of optimism and why you should never feel ashamed to feel positive, even when it feels like the world is turning to shit around you. Optimism doesn’t mean turning away from realism. Sometimes, it means embracing it.

Meet the organization that is weaponizing US President Trump’s own tweets against him by empowering Black-led grassroots organizers. You can sign up to become part of the cause!

Wildfires are ravaging the West Coast of the US. Did you know that a large portion of climate change can be negated by individual dietary choices? Read about two sustainable companies that are helping provide effect climate solutions.

On a personal level, our own stories of triumph can serve as inspiration. Read about my journey through pandemics and lockdowns and quarantines, and how I eventually ended up in the country of my heritage for the first time in my life.

Want to be featured in next week’s newsletter? Join our growing list of writers by reading and commenting on our submission guidelines. Any topic is fair game. If you have previously published works, we will consider those too!

If you aren’t already, be sure to follow us on Twitter and join our Quora space. Also, make sure to follow the publication for speedy updates on new articles.

Until next week!



Björn Jóhann
Glass Half Full

A queer, herbivorous, leftist Viking. I write about society, justice, and popular media. UChicago grad.