Go to Global Alliance for the Future of Food
Global Alliance for the Future of Food
We are a strategic alliance of philanthropic foundations working together and with others to transform global food systems now and for future generations. www.futureoffood.org
Note from the editor

We are a strategic alliance of philanthropic foundations working together and with others to transform global food systems now and for future generations. www.futureoffood.org

Go to the profile of Amanda Jekums
Go to the profile of Lauren Baker
Lauren Baker
Lauren Baker is the Director of Programs for the Global Alliance for the Future of Food.
Go to the profile of Rex Raimond
Rex Raimond
Rex Raimond works with passion on building pathways for sustainable and equitable food systems investing (www.tifsinitiative.org).
Go to the profile of Patty Fong
Patty Fong
Programme Director, Global Alliance for the Future of Food. Tweets are my own. Retweets ≠ endorsements.
Go to the profile of Vivian Maduekeh
Vivian Maduekeh
Ardent believer in transforming food systems in Africa. Founder & Managing Principal of Food Health Systems Advisory (www.fhsafrica.org)
Go to the profile of Global Alliance for the Future of Food
Go to the profile of Lauren Baker
Lauren Baker
Lauren Baker is the Director of Programs for the Global Alliance for the Future of Food.
Go to the profile of Tim Crosby
Tim Crosby
Tim is Principal of the Thread Fund, Chair of the Transformational Investing in Food Systems (TIFS) Initiative.
Go to the profile of Amrita Gupta
Amrita Gupta
Communications Lead, Agroecology Fund
Go to the profile of Rex Raimond
Rex Raimond
Rex Raimond works with passion on building pathways for sustainable and equitable food systems investing (www.tifsinitiative.org).