Short Story from a Turkish Prison

“The Wall” by Sabahattin Ali

Aysel K. Basci
Global Literary Theory
13 min readSep 5, 2024


Sinop Fortress Prison, Turkey. The author of this story, Sabahattin Ali, was held here. The prison was established in 1887 and turned into a museum 1997.

Note from Editor: This is our second instalment of prison writings from Turkish author Sabahattin Ali, who was confined in Sinop Fortress Prison for several months from 1932 to 1933 due to his writing. The first is a set of prison poems. The second, the short story below, provides unprecedented insight into prison life in 1930s Turkey. Both of these works are translated here for the first time into English.

For a long time, I stayed in a prison by the sea surrounded by ramparts. The noise of the waters striking those thick walls echoed through our cells, which were made of stone, and invited us to take a long journey.

The seabirds hovering above the ramparts with their wet wings looked at the iron fences with eyes blinking in amazement, then immediately flew away.

Shutting a prisoner in a place with no connection to the outside world is doing him the greatest of favors. In fact, there is nothing more devastating for a prisoner than to know he is so close to freedom, he could touch it with his hands, and yet he is so far away from it. What a torment it is to listen to the sea, only ten feet away, knowing it’s a door to freedom. But instead of being free, you cast your eyes endlessly at the thick ramparts separating you from freedom and watch the sea only in your imagination. Isn’t it better to be locked up in a place where the only thing that reminds you of freedom is your breath than watching a bird in a prison garden eating breadcrumbs at your feet, walking around left and right on the same soil without liberty, and then, with a flap of its wings, soar beyond the walls and embrace freedom?

Ironically, at the prison in which I was incarcerated everything, even the noises, were designed to bring freedom right in front of our eyes. Then we would watch it abruptly evaporate. Because I was a prisoner, whenever spring was in the air, the small trees growing on top of the ramparts and the yellow flowers drooping from the mossy stones covering those walls filled me with grief. The small white clouds gliding like swans across the endless sky took away the only consolation I had: forgetting. And yet here, everything the prisoners talked about was related to the past and the outside.

It was as if nobody lived after arriving here, or their memories were no longer retained. When it was necessary to talk about life inside, it was described with such reluctance that the listener was tempted to stop the conversation to end the suffering of the one talking.

An exception to this involved a grey-haired prisoner, who told me about an incident that had happened to him when he first arrived here. Perhaps the reason he was able to describe the incident without hesitation was because it was related more to the outside than inside. This was the story of a failed escape attempt.

But let’s first talk about the walls of this prison:

The courtyard was surrounded by ramparts on all four sides, but on the only side connected to the land, there were multiple consecutive walls, and they were much thicker than the rest. Centuries ago, this place was the city’s interior palace. In those days, young odalisques (female slaves) in the garden probably listened to the sounds of the waters and looked at the sky hopelessly with the same longing for freedom as they too wandered around. These thick walls were constructed to hide them from strangers’ eyes and to protect them from enemies. Today these slaves have been replaced by bearded, pale-faced, miserable men, totally disconnected from the rest of the world.

Now, the western corner of those walls, partly collapsing and fully covered with weeds, was being demolished. There were rumors that new, single-occupancy prison cells would be constructed there.

One day, I was watching the demolition together with that gray-haired prisoner I mentioned earlier. We were looking at many pieces of mortar falling as workers hammered the wall with their pickaxes. It was taking a long time to demolish the wall, which was eight meters wide, and those prisoners who were allowed into this part of the outer garden — those considered trustworthy from a security standpoint or who had been there for many years — were watching the activities from morning to evening with great interest as this was very rare “entertainment.” The wall was half demolished when the grey-haired prisoner, who until then had been standing quietly next to me, bent down and whispered in my ear:

Once I was going to escape from this wall.”

I looked at his face curiously. He walked toward a dried quince tree at one edge of the garden. We crouched down next to one another and he started to explain without moving his eyes away from the pieces of falling mortar:

“Nine years ago, when I first came here, there were several small wooden shops in front of this wall. Some of the prisoners worked in those shops as carpenters, engravers, woodworkers, and jewelers. With the help of some outside middlemen who were paid commissions they sold their crafts to passengers from ships visiting the harbor. Using a little money sent to us from home, a friend of mine — who was convicted with me for the same crime — and I began working in one of those shops. Because we were quiet and well behaved, our supervisor protected us, and in return, we gave him a small part of our profit. But neither this work nor the little money we earned made us forget the outside. Think about it! We were both just 22 years old.

“Outside, we were not bad lads. When we were arrested after an incident involving a prostitute and were sent to prison, we never imagined we would stay here longer than a few days. But after our trial ended and we were each sentenced to 15 years, we came to our senses. Or, more like it, we lost our senses! But what could we do? We got stuck behind these four walls. We consoled ourselves, hoping that there would be some sort of a pardon. Who serves a full-term anyway?

“One day we were boiling glue in a pot in one corner of the shop. When I added a piece of wood to the fire under the pot, it accidentally whacked the wall behind it. I noticed that the stone on the wall, behind the pot where the wood hit, appeared loose. I immediately moved the fire and the pot away and, without even waiting for the stone to cool off, I began pulling it off. First, a little lime fell off. Then, a stone the size of a baking pan came off and fell on the floor. A hole appeared where the stone had been. When I bent and looked inside, I could not believe what I was seeing! A faint light was visible in the distance, at the other end of what looked like a very narrow tunnel. I immediately called my friend. He lay on the ground and looked through the hole too. ‘It is probably not very difficult to escape through this hole. We must escape right away,’ he said.

“I suggested that we first ‘think,’ before rushing ahead to escape. We could not afford to do anything stupid. We put the stone back in its place and decided to wait until evening. After that, we became totally restless and could not work for the rest of that day. We kept wandering in and out of the shop.

“Occasionally, when there was a lot of work to do, we gave a little money to the guard on duty that day, and in exchange, he let us stay in the shop and work overnight. On such evenings, when the guards conducted a roll call of inmates back in prison, our guard recorded us as ‘present.’ That afternoon, when the whistle blew and everyone started to go back to their cells, we gave 25 nickels and a little heroin from our secret stash to the Arab guard who was on duty that day. He joked with us saying, ‘You two will leave the prison as bankers!’ and left. We spent the next few hours in the shop, pretending to be making men’s clogs out of nutwood, decorated with mother of pearl, and waited until it became completely dark.

“Then, I moved the store’s lamp to a corner and removed the loose stone in front of the hole. My friend was on the lookout for the night guard. That heathen Arab guard always fell asleep in a corner after taking the heroin we gave him, but that night, he was wandering around. I slipped through the hole, which was low, close to the ground, and very narrow. My eyes were on the light at the other end of the tunnel. That evening there was no moonlight, and the other end of the tunnel was shining like a lantern that spread dark green light. I crawled a little more. My back was touching the stones above and pieces of lime were falling on the back of my neck.

“After progressing forward about the height of two men, I was suddenly relieved to find I had moved into a much wider area, and pushed myself up with the help of my hands.

“I was in a chamber about three feet wide and three feet long, which allowed me to stand up by slightly lowering my head. Exhausted by the crawling, and breathing heavily, I leaned against the wall beside me. While resting there, I heard a noise from the direction of the store, and the opening on that side became dark. Initially, I was scared, but then realized my friend was crawling toward me. Although we were now deep in the wall, I whispered, ‘Did the Arab guard fall asleep?’

“As my friend crept closer to me, he responded, ‘He must have. It has been half an hour since I last saw him.’ My friend was having a harder time crawling, but eventually made it to where I was. ‘What kind of place is this?’ he asked. ‘It’s so wet everywhere.’

“It was dark and I had to search for him with my hands. When I found him, my fingers touched a leather pouch. Then I understood why he was having a harder time crawling. During the day, we had found that pouch and hid two days’ worth of rations in it for both of us. We were probably not going to see anyone for a day or two. So, we had to be prepared…

“I had completely forgotten about that. But my friend had not forgotten and had brought the pouch with him. I waited until my friend had rested a little, then we resumed crawling toward the other end of the tunnel. A little later, after getting close to the end, my friend suddenly stopped. Fearing that the guard on duty on top of the tower above might hear us, he crawled backwards and came to where I was. He whispered, ‘We cannot pass through! There is a stone blocking the way and it is impossible to proceed without removing it. The rest of the way seems okay.’

“I crawled with difficulty back to the store. Once there, I listened carefully to sounds from the garden. I couldn’t hear any footsteps or the Arab guard’s usual cough. I opened the lamp a little more. From a trunk in which we kept our work tools, I picked up a chisel and a hammer and returned to the hole.

“Taking turns, we went into the tunnel and worked to remove that stone blocking our way. Afraid of making a noise, we did not use the hammer at all, but relied on the chisel to remove the mortar around the stone and loosen it. We were less than a foot away from the end of the tunnel, the tunnel which could take us to freedom. I kept saying ‘If only this stone would move!’

“By then, my eyes had gotten used to the dark and I was able to discern objects on the outside. In front of me were the stones covering the outer rampart. However, those walls were in ruins and it was easy to get though them. Even the town’s young shepherds brought their flocks there and let them graze. It was only after this incident that all the outer walls were repaired.

“That night, each of us went in and out of the tunnel four times, tirelessly working to remove the stone blocking us. I was the last one in. After working for half an hour, the stone began rolling in front of me along with a lot of plaster. I was ecstatic! My friend, hearing the noise inside, was becoming increasingly impatient. I grabbed the stone tightly with both hands and began to roll it backwards until I was back in the shop. As soon as I got it out, I pushed the stone into a corner and immediately returned to the hole.

“While trying to remove the stone, I had not looked outside. When I got close to the end and finally looked outside, I saw that dawn had already broken. I stuck my head out slightly and saw the shadow of a guard who was on duty on top of a tower only 50 feet away.

“I was drenched in sweat. I slowly began to return to the store. My friend was anxiously waiting for me in the area with the wider chamber.

“‘It’s a shame, we cannot escape!’ I said.

“At first, my friend laughed. Then, he began crawling toward the end of the hole. However, a little later he too came back. We stood next to one another. By then, it was light enough to see each other’s faces.

“‘This night is over, hopefully another night!’ I said.

“Nevertheless, after getting so close, and briefly sticking my head out to freedom, I found it hard to go back. My friend shook his head and said, ‘There is no other night; we must escape tonight.’

“‘There is no ‘tonight;’ it has passed. You must speak of ‘today.’

“‘All right; we must escape today,’ my friend replied.

“At first, I too did not want to go back. But while trying to convince my friend, I ended up persuading myself, not him. In the end, I was so convinced and so fearful that I screamed, ‘If you want, you can go; I will stay. I have no desire to be killed by a gendarmerie bullet!’

“As I began to crawl toward the store, my friend pleaded behind me, ‘Don’t go buddy! We can surely fool the guards. Before it gets completely light, we can escape by moving slowly and hiding in the bushes, if necessary.’

“However, my heart was pumping very fast as I feared for my life, so I continued crawling in the direction of the store. In my haste, my clothes got torn to shreds. Eventually, I got back to the store and put the original stone we had removed back in its place. Then, I waited for the morning and for the cells to open.

“That day, at mid-morning, our attempted escape came to light. The guards and gendarmerie quickly filled the store. By then, partly from fear and partly from confusion, I had almost turned into a fool. They moved the loose stone and the tunnel behind it was exposed. When they looked through, the other end of the tunnel was clearly visible, and now it looked rather large. The path to the other end was unobstructed. One of the gendarmes drew his rifle and fired swiftly, twice. We heard the bullets hit the outer rampart ahead. The guards emptied all the stores immediately and began inspecting all the walls. The tunnel from where my friend had escaped was quickly repaired by tightly sealing both its ends. Since then, operating such stores has been forbidden.

“They didn’t beat me much. Because I did not escape, the prison manager, the police chief, and the public prosecutor all felt sorry for me and took pity on me. But I wish they had beaten me to death!”

For a while, the gray-haired prisoner kept quiet. It was as if his half-closed eyes were chasing a dream. Then, without turning his head to me, he lamented:

“Damn it! I was stupid, so stupid! Is a gendarmerie bullet worse than 15 years in prison? Because of fear, I wasted my youth! Whereas him…. who knows where he is? He was never seen around here again. Perhaps he moved to another country and settled among people who don’t know him. He is probably behaving himself. Who knows, maybe he has a family; a wife, children. If I wanted, I could have been with him. But, that one moment’s fear… That damn fear!”

The gray-haired man’s chin muscles tightened. I had never seen anyone so angry and so disgusted with himself. This self-hatred must have been piling up day after day, and it became such a deep grudge that it was as if he was spitting it out and throwing it at his own cowardice.

The workers across the way had lowered the wall quite a bit. We both got up and walked in that direction. Suddenly, we heard the noise of rolling stones. The workers stepped back. Trying not to laugh, the gray-haired prisoner remarked, “They must have come to that wider, empty chamber I was telling you about, right in the middle of the wall. Since that time, I have been wondering why it was constructed, for what purpose, but I could never figure it out. Who knows? Once upon a time, were there passages and doors within these walls?”

The workers went near a hole which was exposed after those stones rolled off and they began looking inside. They were manually moving a few more stones to the side, when suddenly, a look of horror crossed their faces. They rose.

Everyone nearby, including the grey-haired prisoner and I, walked in that direction. By now, the workers had reduced the wall down to just one meter high. We climbed it and went near the hole. Everyone there was standing in a circle and looking down. We got close and looked down as well…

Just then, I felt someone grabbing my hand and squeezing it tightly. His hand was shaking. Lying there, on top of moss-covered stones that had probably not seen sunlight for thousands of years, was a white human skeleton!

Most of the bones had separated from one another. Near the feet was a pair of old shoes, and a little further, a leather pouch. I lifted my head and looked at the grey-haired prisoner next to me. He was still squeezing my hand and trembling.

His face was very pale, and expressed utter disbelief. It was the look of someone who had just narrowly escaped death and who was embracing life.

This story was first published in the Aster(ix) Journal, in 2021.

You may read more stories and poems from Sabahattin Ali here: Selected Stories and Poems by Sabahattin Ali.

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Aysel K. Basci
Global Literary Theory

I am a US based writer/literary translator. My work is in The Common, Washington Square Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Columbia Journal, Los Angeles Review.