I Saved Hundreds of Dollars through a Couple’s Random Act of Kindness

My “Most Told” Travel Story of Summer 2022

KT Graeme


Scottish Nightscape | Image by author

The Intro

Checking into my hotel at 2am was not how I thought my night would unfold but perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised. This trip had been unusual from the start of my planning in 2019. It was then postponed for two years due to the pandemic and I caught covid while traveling.

The Background

Minus the part of my trip when I was sick, I spent a wonderful summer in Ireland. Some highlights included visiting Dublin, Galway and the Cliffs of Moher. I also crossed the border to N Ireland where I visited The Giant’s Causeway, which took the #1 spot on this trip of all the sights I saw.

The Giant’s Causeway | Image by author

My next country was Scotland then I would make my way down to England. My original itinerary included a flight from Belfast, N Ireland to Edinburgh, Scotland, arriving just after 6pm.

That morning, I had taken the coach from Dublin to Belfast arriving around 11am. I looked forward to returning to Belfast and exploring the Linen Quarter for a couple of hours before heading to the airport for my flight. On my first visit to the city a few days before, I’d been to the Titanic Quarter and toured Titanic Belfast.

Titanic Belfast, Ireland | Image by author

I was excited to return to Scotland and spend time in Stirling which I considered my “home” city due to the amount of time I spent there when I lived in the Trossachs. I planned to take a coach from Edinburgh airport to Stirling where I would spend a few days before traveling north to Inverness. I had driven through Inverness before on a coach tour but this would be my first time being on foot and exploring the capital of the Highlands.

The Kicker

Instead, I found myself stuck at the airport due to a mechanical issue on the plane rather than relaxing on my coach journey to Stirling. When the flight delay kept being extended later and later into the night, I realized that I would need to find alternative accommodation. However, as this was in August during the Edi Fringe festival, accommodation in Edinburgh was limited and expensive. With my expected arrival into the city being after midnight, it didn’t seem worth it to spend so much money for a few hours in a hotel. I also considered taking a taxi or staying overnight at the airport and taking a coach to Stirling.

The Dilemma

Still pondering my options, I chatted to my seatmate who I discovered was from Edinburgh after we boarded the plane again. As he was a local, I was curious to hear if he had any recommendations.

The Unexpected Solution

To my surprise, an older lady in the row ahead of me turned around and interrupted us. Sharing that she had overheard our conversation, this lady generously offered me a ride to Stirling. She and her husband lived near Stirling, in Dunblane (the town with Andy Murray’s gold post box for tennis fans).

The Relief

In a matter of minutes, I went from worrying about where I would sleep that night to being escorted right to the front door of my hotel!

16+ hours after leaving my Dublin accommodation, due to the generosity of 2 strangers, I was incredibly thankful and blessed to finally check into my Stirling accommodation around 2am.

The Conclusion

This trip helped redefine my perspective on patience and I returned home full of gratitude for the varied but rich experiences. This amazing travel story of my journey from Belfast to Scotland also heightened my appreciation.

I’m reminded of the golden rule to treat others as I would want to be treated. I’m humbled to have been on the receiving end so many times as complete strangers have gone above and beyond to assist me on my travels. This increases my motivation to give even more, from the love and kindness received.

“Remember, there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” — Scott Adams



KT Graeme

A Caribbean native with a love of travel, a passion for volunteering & a desire to learn. Soul home: UK 🇬🇧 | Most recently volunteered in: Ireland ☘️