The Grandest Canyon of Them All

Two days exploring one of the United States’ most iconic national parks

Claire Elizabeth Levesque


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The Grand Canyon is undoubtedly one of the most famous of all the national parks. In fact, it’s arguably one of the iconic landmarks in the US in general. So, as you can probably imagine, I was pretty thrilled to finally get the chance to see it for myself while I was in Arizona this past autumn.

This is my 6th park on my way to hopefully visiting all 63. Previously, I have visited and written stories about Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Indiana Dunes, Great Sand Dunes, and Saguaro.

Day 1

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While I usually make the visitor’s center my first stop whenever I go to a new national park, in this case I couldn’t resist making a beeline for Mather Point as soon as I’d found a parking place to get my first glimpse of the canyon.

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To say that the Grand Canyon is vast would be an understatement. Its size truly is beyond comprehension. It is spectacular…

