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God’s Funeral
When philosophy meets cheap religion
The Tempest in a Teapot for Pantheists
The Tempest in a Teapot for Pantheists
The trivial difference between pantheism and panentheism
Benjamin Cain
Nov 25
The Sage’s Mission in a Harmonious Universe
The Sage’s Mission in a Harmonious Universe
Alienation, renunciation, and the moral calling in Hindu monism and the secular Enlightenment
Benjamin Cain
Nov 14
The Cosmic Horror in Psalm 8
The Cosmic Horror in Psalm 8
And the cheap humanism that dispenses with existential dread
Benjamin Cain
Oct 22
Why do Conservative Muslim Men Hate Women?
Why do Conservative Muslim Men Hate Women?
The irony of misogynistic scapegoating in the Muslim world
Benjamin Cain
Oct 14
Sanctifying the Crutch of Religious Faith
Sanctifying the Crutch of Religious Faith
The perversity of this Christian virtue of faith, and the role of stories in knowledge
Benjamin Cain
Aug 28
The Call for an Atheist Counterattack Against Christian Nationalism
The Call for an Atheist Counterattack Against Christian Nationalism
Eastern Christianity and how conservative Christian politics is more threatening than fundamentalist theology
Benjamin Cain
Aug 8
Cosmic Neutrality and the Paradox of the Bodhisattva’s Virtue
Cosmic Neutrality and the Paradox of the Bodhisattva’s Virtue
The enlightened Buddhist should be as inhuman as the universe
Benjamin Cain
Jul 15
Enlightened Buddhists Shouldn’t be Compassionate
Enlightened Buddhists Shouldn’t be Compassionate
Innocuous epiphanies and the false front of Buddhist morality
Benjamin Cain
Jul 1
The World Can be Sacred to Atheists Too
The World Can be Sacred to Atheists Too
John Vervaeke’s weaselly resort to “nontheism”
Benjamin Cain
Jun 24
The Clash Between Daoists, Buddhists, and Modern Humanists
The Clash Between Daoists, Buddhists, and Modern Humanists
Comparing these countercultural and mainstream philosophies
Benjamin Cain
Jun 10
The Daoist’s Futile Rejection of Humanism
The Daoist’s Futile Rejection of Humanism
Human progress is possible in nature despite the Daoist’s implicit nihilism
Benjamin Cain
Jun 4
The Social Butterfly’s Flight from Atheism
The Social Butterfly’s Flight from Atheism
Politicized atheism drives out secularists who lack philosophical grounding
Benjamin Cain
Jun 3
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