Go to GoEuro Engineering
GoEuro Engineering
Engineers and data scientists dedicated to building the future of hassle-free travel
Note from the editor

Engineers and data scientists dedicated to building the future of hassle-free travel

Go to the profile of RDX
Simpleton, CI/CD Platformer at goeuro.com, ex-ThoughtWorker, Full stack engineer, Hack Java/Node/Frontend/Ruby/Docker/OSS, Practice XP/KISS/Lean
Go to the profile of GoEuro Engineering
GoEuro Engineering
A glimpse into how we're engineering the future of travel.
Go to the profile of Torsten Rammrath
Torsten Rammrath
Marketing - Content and Campaigns
Go to the profile of RDX
Simpleton, CI/CD Platformer at goeuro.com, ex-ThoughtWorker, Full stack engineer, Hack Java/Node/Frontend/Ruby/Docker/OSS, Practice XP/KISS/Lean