
Things GoGoGrandparent’s say

When GoGoGrandparent was still just ten people we started using the messaging service Slack to communicate between operators internally.

Some innovative soul made a channel called #woohoo with a small and simple purpose: share when grandparents say…

The Advantage of GoGoGrandparent

GoGoGrandparent prides itself on providing the best on demand ride sharing service for seniors. There are several significant ways GoGo differentiates itself from other ride sharing services. The big 5 are:

  • Closely Monitored Ride Management

CBS News on GoGoGrandparent: “I love this idea!”

Today, we’re honored to be featured nationwide by CBS News — and, if we’re honest, we’re even more excited about the anchor’s candid reaction: “I love this idea!”

Stanford Healthcare Recommends GoGoGrandparent

Following mention on Stanford School of Medicine’s Parkinsons Disease blog, GoGoGrandparent is honored to be included in Stanford Health Care’s Aging Adult Services Resource Guide.