Missions — Apr 2018 — Go

Stuart Watson
Good Things
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2018

April 1.

25% through 2018.

Lots of progress so far.

More to do.

Time to set my missions for April — a bunch of simple tasks or challenges to be completed every single day.

The Missions

Every day in April I will:

Wake up at 5:41am. Same as the last 4 months, even though the mornings are getting darker and cooler going into autumn.

Go for a long walk after getting up. Again, I will still follow my standard route which is 4.6km (2.9mi) and it takes about 40mins. I’m finding that the routine and the consistent practice is more important than anything else.

Do 60 push-ups. Bumped this up from 50 in March and will primarily knock these off with 5 sets of 12 reps throughout the day (ideally before 12pm though). I already feel like doing 100 every day is achievable soon.

Do 50 squats. Bumping this up from 30 last month as I got started. I’ve got a very ‘clicky’ right knee so need to strengthen everything around the knee to get rid of that. Will bring in some more stretching and mobility work to help too.

Complete all 3 activity rings on my Apple Watch. I find that this has been happening by simply starting the day with the top two missions (which is kind of the point). Still, I like the constant reminder on my wrist throughout the day to remain active. Going to bump up the daily Move goal this month to push myself that little bit more.

Read a physical book for at least 30mins. I would never have said this a few months ago but reading is now a real pleasure. Doing it every day for at least 30mins is also easier since I’ve built a routine around it.

Write in a logbook about the previous day. I’ve enjoyed getting into daily journaling since February and have been fine-tuning my approach along the way. It’s still not perfect and so have some other ideas I’ll put into practice in April.

Don’t read any email or social media before 10am. I’m going to keep this going in April and try to make even better use of that time before 10am. Having specific tasks or goals to focus on before 10am will keep me on track for this missions and everything else I want to do this month.

During April I’m also continuing with a couple of other good practices too:

  • Intermittent fasting. I’m now a few months into this practice and in love it. I actually feel better and more focussed in the late morning having not eaten. Weird I know but it’s effective. Aiming to knock off at least one full 24hr fast in April too.
  • Eating meat or fish in only 1 meal a day (dinner). Will be keeping this up in April although again not too fussed if I skip a day or two.

So with April now all planned out…let’s go.

‘Missions’ is a special project I started in December 2017. Little daily challenges, completed every month. Here’s what I’ve done:



Stuart Watson
Good Things

Founder of @thelenslab. Creator of apps including Collect, LetterGlow, Little Moments & Adorable.