5 Things You Do That Will Ruin Your Life

Good Vibes Club
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2023
Photo by Felipe Souza on Unsplash

While it might be easy to feel down or negative about ourselves, it is also difficult to assess and improve ourselves instantly.

Everyone has problems and stuff we have to work on but here are 5 things that you may find useful to know that might be ruining your life.

1. Trying To Be a Perfectionist

Everyone wants to be a perfectionist, we want to be the best at what we do and it motivates us to do better.

But after a while the concept of being perfect starts to weigh us down.

We set impossible expectations and goals for us to achieve and from that moment we are destined to fall short every time or outright fail.

When we fail to live up to our expectations we tend to fall into depression and anxiety. It blocks our thoughts and emotions.

When you think about it, being imperfect is freedom.

Don’t strive to be perfect, instead we have to strive to progress each day. The feeling of progress is what drives us.

2. Not Taking The First Step

While being overzealous and trying to be perfect may ruin your life, being safe and not committing to things will also ruin your life.

We have to find the perfect balance between perfection and relaxation.

Problems and tough situations do not solve themselves. We have to think about the variables and devise a strategy to solve them.

Write down short term goals for you to achieve and work towards them one at a time.

Like I said progress is our biggest motivation.

3. Relationships

As human beings we need other human beings to survive. We live because we interact with other people, but if the relationship we have is toxic or just isn’t working, it may have a negative affect on your life.

It may be with your parents, siblings, friends or your significant other, when we have a dysfunctional relationship we tend to be unproductive and fall into a depressed state.

So just sit back and assess the needs of the other person, if you feel you are lacking then make it up to them.

If you feel you have to get some things off your chest then let it be known to them, that is the best way to solve things in a relationship.

Holding on to your feelings never dos anybody any good. So, be sure to sort it out as soon as possible.

4. Spending Unhealthy Amount Of Time Alone

Like I stated earlier we need other people to live. We feed energy off of each other. Humans are just social creatures who need social energy.

Depression, anxiety and other physical conditions are byproducts of loneliness.

Ironically while social media can connect anyone with anywhere in the world, it can also make us lose sight and not notice the person right next to us.

It eventually leads us to a path filled with loneliness.

If we don’t take care of it, overtime loneliness gets inside us and doesn’t go away.

Be sure to find friends and spend time with them. Be sure to acknowledge the person right next to you. Because they need us as much as we need them too.

5. Being Happy With Where You Are

Let’s say you are in a perfect position in your life. You have everything you ever wanted and happy with where you are. But what if I said that very same feeling may be the reason that you may ruin your life.

In this fast moving life, technology and knowledge is growing at a rapid pace.

Of course it is important to relax and take a breather, but if you get complacent it may become the reason for your downfall. Always make sure to be in the game and updated.

Life is a never ending race and we can never be satisfied. We have only one life so make sure you live to the fullest and get whatever you ever desired from it.

Thanks for getting to the end of the article. Have a wonderful day!

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Good Vibes Club

Hi! I write about mental health, self-improvement and sometimes about other interesting things I find on the internet.