The Best Part Of Going To College

Spoilers it’s not studying

Good Vibes Club
2 min readSep 15, 2023


Photo by Shubham Sharan on Unsplash

Now that the I have completed and earned my certificate from the college I studied in, reality is starting to set in that a phase of my life is over and I can never get it back.

The bittersweet feeling of completion of a certain part of life is not new to me as I had the same emotions when I completed schooling, when I moved cities. I guess many of you can relate to this emotion one way or the other.

Looking back to my college days,

I don’t remember the countless assignments I submitted,

I don’t remember the unhealthy amount of exams I wrote,

I don’t remember the infinite lectures I listened to


Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

The things I remember are,

I remember the morning hustle of copying my friend’s assignment just before the professor arrives,

I remember the conference calls and discussions we had with no relevance to the subject the night before the exam,

I remember the funny faces and jokes my friends made during the lectures,

As the meme goes,

It was always about the friends I made along the way.

The best parts of life are sometimes the most unimportant and carefree moments of life.

The part where we tried to bunk the classes (sometimes we succeeded, sometimes we failed lol),

The part where we have food at the back of the class during a lecture, the random fights, the punishments.

Everything other than studying was so much more enjoyable because of the friends that I had.

Photo by Harsh Gupta on Unsplash

As I move on to the next phase of life, I’ll definitely miss the more unimportant and peaceful moments of life.

If you are studying in a university or even a workplace, make sure to cherish the little moments.

Live a little, break the rules a little (be careful not to get into huge trouble), have a fun because at the end of the day that’s what you will remember.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful rest of the day!



Good Vibes Club

Hi! I write about mental health, self-improvement and sometimes about other interesting things I find on the internet.