Fear Of Tomorrow And How To Overcome It

Good Vibes Club
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2023

Ever felt so worried that you started to sweat profusely before your turn on giving a presentation?

Ever had sleepless nights before an important meeting with your boss the next day?

Yes? Then this is something called Anticipatory Anxiety.

Photo by Jack Lucas Smith on Unsplash

Anticipatory anxiety describes fear and worry around bad things that could happen.

It can vary from worrying about important events such as meetings and exams to less ordinary events such as natural disasters or losing a loved one.

Nobody knows what the future holds for each one of us and it is that unpredictability and unknowingness that can be anxiety inducing for some people.

A lot of us are struggling in this loop of regretting the things that happened in the past and worrying about the future that we forget to live in the present.

The regrets of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow is the tragedy of life.

It is normal to worry about certain important events that happen in your life but if it starts to affect your day to day life, then it becomes a problem.

You will start to feel depressed and demotivated to do anything.

Overthinking is a huge contributor to the fear for tomorrow. Things like what if I fail and what if they don’t like me start to clog your mind.

These things take away the joy of today and the things that you could accomplish today. It severely impacts your potential to be successful. It can also cause social anxiety and panic attacks.

Remember tomorrow’s fear takes away today’s pleasure.

So what can you do to reduce your fear of tomorrow?

Talk About It

Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

It’s not always easy to talk about what you’re afraid of, but sometimes voicing those fears can help them feel less frightening.

You will not feel any good if you bottle up your feelings and move on with your life.

Try talking to someone about the struggles you are going through and maybe they have some experience in that and can guide you.

When you can’t do something alone don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

You Will Do Fine

Remember about that one event or exam that you were so afraid of? You got through that.

Always remember that at the end of the day You Will Be Fine

Ask yourself do you really need to worry about the future? If yes, then do you everything you can today to make tomorrow less stressful.

If no, then continue on with your day without worrying much.

When I had an important sports event I couldn’t sleep the day before the event. But on the day of the event my instincts and my training took over and I did fine.

Don’t fear tomorrow till today’s done with you.

Control today so tomorrow won’t be a worry.

Remember you are plenty capable and you will be fine. Put more faith in yourself!

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!



Good Vibes Club

Hi! I write about mental health, self-improvement and sometimes about other interesting things I find on the internet.