Why A Smile Is The Best Cosmetic You Can Wear

Good Vibes Club
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2023

Today, when I went out to the market to buy groceries there was a lady shouting and asking for things that honestly she could have asked in a more polite tone for.

The shopkeeper responded in kind with a not so happy face and it was clear that he just wanted to be done with that customer. It was too early in the morning for this.

Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

After the lady was done, I went up to the shopkeeper and greeted him with a smile. I’m nice but I just wanted to be extra nice to him after his experience of dealing with that customer.

He instantly smiled and greeted back and did everything he could to help me. He even gave me a discount! (not much but it was still a discount lol)

That’s when I realized the best thing that you can wear is not products or cream but it’s your smile.

Happiness can be found right below your nose — your smile.

The best part about a smile is when you smile it is like a mirror, others smile back as well. It is an involuntary action.

Just smiling at someone can make their day or a frown can ruin their day.

You know who is called the most beautiful?

Not the one who wears cosmetic to make herself look appealing but frowns all the time. But the one who smiles from their heart.

Smiling can uplift our own spirits. Not everyday is easy. Somedays are tougher than others. But a smile ensures us that everything will be alright.

Smile, it’s free therapy.

So be sure to SMILE everyday. It is that easy to make yourself and others happy.

Have a wonderful day smiling!

Check out Fear of Tomorrow and How to Overcome It.



Good Vibes Club

Hi! I write about mental health, self-improvement and sometimes about other interesting things I find on the internet.