You Need These 3 Things To Keep Going

Everyone needs something to keep going.

Good Vibes Club
2 min readSep 26, 2023


Photo by 胡 卓亨 on Unsplash

As we travel through life, things go wrong and it is not always easy. After all, life is not a bed of roses.

Each one of us have different struggles and situations we go through that we don’t tell the world.

During these times of difficulty we need something to keep us going. Something to drive us, something that makes us want to push through.

So make sure you have these three things cleared up in your mind to push through the difficult times.

Something To Do

Make sure that you have something to do that you enjoy doing. It can be your work, passion or a place that you go to every week.

We get stagnated in a place if we feel like we don’t know what to do next. Even if you work a 9–5 job, make sure you have hobbies that you look forward to.

As for me, even if I hated going to university, studying and writing exams, I always looked forward to Sundays where I would play cricket (It’s a very popular sport in India!) with my friends.

Find your place of comfort in places or things that you do. Make sure you have something that you look forward to or enjoy doing.

Someone To Love

Now I know what you are thinking, not everyone has partners, girlfriends/boyfriends.

But love can apply to anyone such as your parents and your well wishers as well.

Sometimes all we need is a pep talk and a bit of motivation from our loved ones to push through that difficult phase of our lives.

The thought of making them happy and proud can inspire us to put in that extra effort needed for our success. Their smile is our reward.

Something To Hope For

Everyone of us is working towards a goal that we are hoping to achieve one day.

It can be earning enough money to travel anywhere, to buy our favorite things or anything that you can think of.

Have a goal and work towards it everyday. Manifest it and grab it. We only have one life so don’t take too much time to be idle.

Fight through everything and experience whatever or accomplish anything you want in this world.

All this can happen only if we hope!

Hope this article inspired you. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

Check out my article on What Does Living Mean?



Good Vibes Club

Hi! I write about mental health, self-improvement and sometimes about other interesting things I find on the internet.