Angelo Palacios Colorado 🕯️
Good Writer
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2024


Let’s a frank conversation

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

It’s very important know thatIn your beautiful life

Telling the truth

Without empathy for many People

Is a verbal attack 🧏🏼‍♂️💯

Reflect a moment 🧠📝🔔

But when you share your own Experience

People accept that it is Constructive criticism ♥️👍📚

Because they are great treasures

Words of wisdom

All we together can

Break the Chain


My beautiful point of view

It’s very simple

From understand

Say always the truth

But always with all your respect

From your Own experience


Learn to apply empathy honestly

In your beautiful life

It is very important

To make the person feel good

Your precious words can build

Or destroy

Think about it 💯📚☺️🫂☄️

Photo by author
Let me introduce myself

My beautiful name is

Angelo Palacios

From Cali Colombia

I learning inglésh myself

Think about it


Method R.R.A.R





Over over and over again

Práctice practice

And more practice

Make the perfect

Think about it

I believe in you

You are the next Generation

Photo by Studio Media on Unsplash

What’s is your next step ???

Be honest with yourself

The choice is yours

Look at the mirror

Look at your eyes and say

I’m here for help Others people

I need understand

Other beautiful perpetives

I need open my mind

I need focused more in

Listen you very carefully

Don’t be afrait

To talk with me my dear friend

Thrust me

You need talk

Calm down, vent

Believe me

I need more people with Empathy

In this beautiful World

Who are this guy

I am boy les Brown

Follow his legacy

Leslie Calvin Brown

Born February 17, 1945
Is an American

Politician and motivational Speaker

He was a member of the

Ohio House of

From 1977 to 1981. [1]

My beautiful goals is

3 millions of people Inspired

On the World

My porpuse is impact

Your life

Think about it


I continue to touch lives

Around the World

If you want success

You’re competing

Against thousands

Of women’s and men’s

Who are Apporting

Value to we

Like professionals do

Congratulations my dear friend

The choice is yours

Be bold

Be different

Be yourself

Stay firm in your line

Stay focused in your purpuse

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

Follow your beautiful heart

Follow your emotions

Follow your passion

Follow your beautiful purpuse

You can do it

You’re not alone my dear friend

Put god firts

Who are this guy
I am boy les Brown

Bye for now

Credit by LES BROWN

One Clap 👏

Is great believe me

But 50 Claps👏

Show me your support

Photo by Marques Thomas on Unsplash


Let me know
And remember
Strong mind never give up

Open the link 👇☄️🎯😊💯👇

