Google Cloud Anthos Series: Anthos Platform Introduction

Google Cloud Anthos Series: Part 1

Pushkar Kothavade
Google Cloud - Community
3 min readJan 18, 2022


Welcome to the multi part series on ‘Google Cloud Anthos platform’. In this blog series, we will explore how fictional organisation called ‘Samajik’ can scale their Kubernetes based application across multiple Google Cloud regions using Google Cloud’s Anthos platform.

We will cover the Samajik’s Anthos adoption journey in this blog series.

*The company name and personas mentioned in the storyline are fictional

Part-1: Anthos Platform Introduction (This blog)

Part-2: Anthos Platform Technical Details

Part-3: Getting started with Anthos Platform

Part-4: Anthos Service Mesh

Part-5: Anthos Config Management

Part-6: Anthos Multi-cluster Ingress

Part-7: Anthos Marketplace Applications

Part-8: Migrate for Anthos and GKE

Part9: Anthos Multi-cloud & Hybrid story

This is Samajik’s application architecture diagram. Internally the application is called ‘Unicorn’ which is currently running in the Google Cloud’s Mumbai region.

Samajik’s ‘Unicorn’ Application architecture on Google Cloud

Introducing Google Cloud’s Anthos Platform

Anthos is a modern application management platform that provides a unified model for computing, networking, and even service management across multiple clouds (GCP, AWS, Azure) and private On-premise data centres. The technology stack is built on a consistent set of APIs based on open-source technologies which empowers developers and operators with a single set of tools.

Anthos is a Kubernetes-based platform that runs everywhere you do, with a cloud-backed control plane for centralised management. Anthos provides

  1. Application Management
  2. Infrastructure Automation
  3. End-to-End Observability
  4. Compliance & Governance

Coming up..

In this blog we discussed Anthos value proposition. In upcoming blogs we will continue the Samajik’s journey of Anthos adoption.


You can refer to the Google Cloud DevOps Series to understand ‘How Samajik transformed their DevOps landscape using Google Cloud native tools & principles’.

Contributors: Shijimol A K, Anchit Nishant, Dhandus

