Google Cloud Anthos Series: Getting started with Anthos Platform

Google Cloud Anthos Series: Part 3

Pushkar Kothavade
Google Cloud - Community
4 min readFeb 8, 2022


Welcome to Part-3 of the ‘Google Cloud Anthos series’. You can find the complete series Here

Anthos: Pricing Overview

There are two pricing models. ‘Pricing Model-1: Anthos Pricing (All in One)’ makes more sense if organisation wants to use all Anthos native features whereas ‘Pricing Model-2: Individual pricing for Anthos components’ is suitable if organisation want to use one or two features while completely running on Google Cloud Platform.

Pricing Model-1: Anthos Pricing (All in One)

In this approach the user just needs to enable ‘Anthos API’ from the Google Cloud Console. Users can select either ‘Pay-as-you-go’ pricing plan or ‘Subscription’ pricing plan.

Enable Anthos API

Anthos charges apply to all Anthos managed clusters and are based on the number of Anthos cluster vCPUs, charged on an hourly basis. A vCPU is considered ‘under management’ when it is seen as schedulable compute capacity by the Anthos control plane.

Reference: Anthos Pricing

Pricing Model-2: Individual pricing for Anthos components. (Applicable only while running on Google Cloud Platform)

In this approach Anthos API should be disabled. Users need to enable individual Anthos components.

Disable Anthos API

Make sure that Anthos API is disabled if you want to go for an ‘Individual Anthos components pricing’ model.

Anthos Service mesh

Anthos Service Mesh is available as part of Anthos or as a standalone offering on Google Cloud. Google APIs enabled on the project determine how you are billed. To use Anthos Service Mesh as a standalone service, don’t enable the Anthos API on your project. If you want to use Anthos Service Mesh on-premises or on other clouds, you must subscribe to Anthos.

Reference: Service Mesh Pricing

Anthos Config Management

Config Controller uses a GKE cluster as the underlying infrastructure, and you are billed for the Anthos Config Management fee and GKE clusters until the clusters are deleted.

Note: Anthos customers (Pricing Model-1) are not billed the Anthos Config Management fee as Anthos Config Management is already included in the Anthos pricing.

Reference: Config Management Pricing

Anthos Multi-Cluster Ingress

If you have GKE clusters that are not licensed for Anthos, you are billed at the standalone pricing rate when you use Multi Cluster Ingress. The functionality of Multi Cluster Ingress is the same whether you use it with Anthos licensing or standalone pricing.

Note: Multi Cluster Ingress is included as part of Anthos. If you enable the Anthos API and your clusters are registered to a fleet, then there is no additional charge to use Multi Cluster Ingress.

Reference: Anthos Multi-Cluster Ingress

Anthos: Initial Setup Guide

This blog series is going to follow ‘Pricing Model-1: Anthos Pricing (All in One)’ by enabling Anthos API.

Diagram below indicates the Samajik’s end state architecture. Please follow the step by step guide to setup the Anthos platform and register GKE clusters spread across Asia, Europe and US.

Samajik’s End State Architecture on Anthos Platform.

Google Cloud Project & Billing Account

In the Google Cloud Console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project. Also make sure that billing is enabled for your Cloud project.

Google Cloud Console: Anthos API

Enable the Anthos API for your project. Enabling this API entitles you to use Anthos features with the project.

Anthos API: Google Cloud Dashboard

Anthos Dashboard: Clusters Option

In the Google Cloud Console, select the ‘Clusters’ option present in the Anthos section.

Anthos Dashboard: Create GKE Clusters

From Anthos dashboard, create new GKE clusters across Asia, Europe and US regions.

Anthos Dashboard: Create Cluster Option

Anthos Dashboard: Register GKE Clusters

Register newly created GKE clusters to the Anthos control plane

Coming up..

In this blog we discussed Anthos pricing and Anthos initial setup process. In upcoming blogs we will continue the Samajik’s journey of Anthos adoption.

Contributors: Shijimol A K, Anchit Nishant, Dhandus

