Introduction to Docker and Kubernetes on GCP with Hands-on Configuration (Part 3- Kubernetes with Wordpress)

Google Cloud - Community
8 min readJun 1, 2020


Part 1 — Docker

Part 2 — Docker Compose with Wordpress

Part 3 — Kubernetes with Wordpress


So far we talk about Docker and Docker Compose and have some hands-on configuration. Now we move to the very popular topic — Kubernetes. In Google Cloud, Kubernetes is the service that they pay much efford on it. But, what is Kubernetes? How it relates to Docker? Why should we use it? In this article, I will answer all these questions and have some hands-on configuration with Wordpress. I choose Wordpress as our hands-on configuration for two reasons. First of all, you could compare it with Docker Compose which is discussed in Part 2. Secondly, Wordpress is a common application and we probably use it in our job. Now, let’s talk about what Kubernetes is.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

This sentence is cited from Kubernetes official web site. Let me explain more. Kubernetes is a container orchestrator which makes servers act like as one. Actually, it is nothing but just a set of APIs which run on top of Docker. We could use command line to manage containers across servers. In fact, Kubernetes is originally released by Goolge and now is maintained…

