Knative 2/2

Adventures in Kubernetes

Daz Wilkin
Google Cloud - Community
6 min readJul 28, 2018


Yesterday, I explored Knative.

Today, I’m looking around to better understand it.



An implementation detail of Istio is that, components of our services are proxied by an Istio sidecar container. Returning to yesterday’s helloworld (NB mine’s called hellohenry) deployment:

Kubernetes Engine Console: hellohenry-00001-deployment

The Knative autoscaler, having seen no traffic recently to the service (and thus to the deployment), appears to have auto-scaled the service to zero pods. Let’s hit the endpoint with a request to see what happens:

And then:

Kubernetes Engine Console: one pod created by the autoscaler

The autoscaler has created a pod to support this service. Because no pods were running from our cold-start, the latency on the first request is higher:

resulting in:

NB It’s taking ~8 seconds for Kubernetes, Knative and Istio to get us from 0 →1 but, thereafter, as you’ll see below it’s waay faster.

Once I have a single pod running, the timing’s are good:

While we have at least one Pod, let’s drill into it and see what it comprises:

Kubernetes Engine Console: Knative App Pod w/ Istio

NB The Pod comprises 3 containers. The 3rd on the list is user-container and its image corresponds to my Knative app: The Istio proxy (aka sidecar) is there as expected. This is Envoy. The 3rd container is called queue-proxy and is part of Knative (


Putting some pressure on the service using Vegeta (==awesome) from my workstation yields an interesting curve:

Vegeta Plot: 5-minutes

During the initial 70 seconds or so as shown on the plot, the cluster provisions 10 Pods:

Knative autoscaling 0 →10 Pods

As the cluster detects the load stabilizing, excess Pods are terminated and the service stabilizes with 5 Pods:

Knative stabilizing on 5 Pods

After one Vegeta run completes and before the cluster scales back to zero, let’s run another test, this time with text output:

This provides more accurate responsiveness data for us. Though the p95 at just under 3.5s seems high!?


Istio bundles Prometheus for monitoring. Prometheus is deployed to a monitoring namespace and the following will get your local port 9090 forwarded to the service’s port:

And browsing localhost:9090/targets gives:


Fortunately, Knative comes with a set of Grafana dashboards configured against Prometheus metrics:

and browsing localhost:3000(click Home):

and selecting “Knative Service — Revision HTTP Requests”:

Super nice! There’s even one to help with scaling debugging:


And browse to localhost:9411:


You should be able to select the helloworld service from the Service Name dropdown, then Find Traces:

Zipkin: “hellohenry-00001”

Obviously there’s not much to the hellohenry sample as it simply responds directly to an incoming request. However, Zipkin provides some insight into the mechanics:

We can see here how the request hits knative-ingressgateway as expected before being routed to hellohenry-00001. At the end of this form, you can see that the recipient service is hellohenry-00001-service.default.svc.cluster.local and on port 80. Remember the code publishes to 8080.

The YAML for the service binds 80 to the Pods’ queue-port:

Drilling down into one of the Pods captured by the service, we can see that queue-port is managed by Knative not by Istio nor by our service:

IIUC this queue-proxy forms part of Knative’s auto-scaling. Presumably (!) the queue-proxy proxies to the istio-proxy too though it’s not obvious to me where this is done. The documentation is scarce.

Let’s have a look at the logs:

Logs for ‘hellohenry-00001-deployment’

We can see 8080 being caught by the Istio proxy along with 8012 and 8022:

The latter two ports correspond to the ports shown above for queue-proxy:

These are programmed by the Istio (Envoy) proxy using iptables:

What I’m lacking is the diagrammatic flow for this little triad.


I’m going to send some time comparing deployments between Istio-only and Istio w/ Knative to see if I can then understand what specifically Knative serving is adding.

The equivalent deployment (and service) for Istio without Knative is:

NB The annotation in line #17 can be flipped between true to have an Istio proxy injected into the Pods and false for a non-Istio (no proxy) deployment.

With “false”:

No Istio (no proxy)

With “true”:

With Istio (proxy sidecar)

And, while the integration between the proxy and the hellohenry container remains unclear, this is a good starting point:

Logs for hellohenry and the istio sidecar

More soon!


Slightly wiser but lots of new functionality here to try to get my head around. I think, for my comprehension, it may be better to start with Istio and, once I grok what’s going on there, then add in Knative. Or, someone explains it all to me ;-)

