Go to Grab a Slice
Grab a Slice
A place for Slice of Life stories, novel extracts, poems, songs and whatever you fancy.
Note from the editor

Set up to separate out the editor’s different writing themes, for ease of navigation, Grab A Slice also welcomes guest writers — contact me at mkelly@regulatoryadvice.co.uk to be added.

Go to the profile of Mark Kelly
Mark Kelly
Writing about family, trading, spirituality and popular culture. Speculating in my fiction and investments. Made more mistakes than I’m admitting here.
Go to the profile of Delta B. McKenzie
Delta B. McKenzie
I’m just a Jamaican-British writer trying to make things work in a big world. Find me on twitter @db_mckenzie.
Go to the profile of Mark Kelly
Mark Kelly
Writing about family, trading, spirituality and popular culture. Speculating in my fiction and investments. Made more mistakes than I’m admitting here.
Go to the profile of Delta B. McKenzie
Delta B. McKenzie
I’m just a Jamaican-British writer trying to make things work in a big world. Find me on twitter @db_mckenzie.
Go to the profile of Britni Pepper
Britni Pepper
Whimsical explorer: Britni maps the wide world and human heart with a twinkle in her eye, daring you to find magic in the everyday.
Go to the profile of White Feather
White Feather
Earthling — Lifelong novelist & essayist — https://whitefeather.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Synia Sidhe
Synia Sidhe
A fantasy fanatic with a penchant for magic. Author of the comedy sword and sorcery novel Phony Potions, available on Amazon.
Go to the profile of Matthew Donnellon
Matthew Donnellon
Matthew Donnellon is a writer, artist, and sit down comedian. He is the author of The Curious Case of Emma Lee and Other Stories.
Go to the profile of Alexandra Winter
Alexandra Winter
Published Author|Philosopher|Mental Health Advocate
Go to the profile of Sylvia Wohlfarth
Sylvia Wohlfarth
An Irish-Nigerian soul living in Ireland after 40 years in Germany. A social anthropologist, English teacher, and more. With stories to share; and an opinion…
Go to the profile of Salitha Nirmana Meththasinghe
Salitha Nirmana Meththasinghe
A diver in the ocean called words. (He/Him) Reach me: sasnm1991@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Jarett Dunn
Jarett Dunn
It is I; Jare/Bird/Stacc; https://linktr.ee/STACCart
Go to the profile of Andikan Umoh
Andikan Umoh
When my mind travels, I take my pen along. Engraving words to the heart, a solid stone where they won’t wash away with time. Writer and Lawyer.
Go to the profile of Samantha Touchais
Samantha Touchais
A business and mindset coach, author and speaker, Samantha loves writing, reading and chocolate. She has written 3 books. Find her at www.samanthatouchais.com
Go to the profile of Theo Sheppard
Theo Sheppard
Interesting stories and unsolicited opinions
Go to the profile of Francisco M. Gómez
Francisco M. Gómez
Spanish vet surgeon with home in Britain. Opinion blogs in a personal capacity only.
Go to the profile of Laura Johnson
Laura Johnson
Yammering bits and some blathering. Humor is my first language, my second skin, and my hello.
Go to the profile of John O'Neill
John O'Neill
Retired human services executive, living in Massachusetts near Boston, trying to be a better human being each day than the day before.
Go to the profile of msminibookreview
Short story, memoir, and book review. All the big questions and all the little details. Chicago based. East Coast bred.
Go to the profile of Craig Martineau
Craig Martineau
Retired. A lifelong love affair with words. I write on Medium, WordPress, Substack with The Lighthouse Blog, and the newsletter "Have you ever wondered...Why?"
Go to the profile of Michael Stang
Michael Stang
Creative, Writer of stories, Editor at Storymaker. What can will. whitedragon421@gmail.com
Go to the profile of A.M.E
I write things sometimes. I also do freelancing. Inquiries at sassysashimi74@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Ben Youlten
Ben Youlten
Programmer, aspiring author and student in the school of existence
Go to the profile of Mark Starlin
Mark Starlin
Old bones. Young heart. Uniquely arranged words.
Go to the profile of Peculiar Julia
Peculiar Julia
Writer of poetry, prose, & the occasional rant. I feed the monsters under my bed story cake & poem pastries. What do you feed them?
Go to the profile of Gayumi Wijewardana
Gayumi Wijewardana
"When we become attuned to nature's rhythm, we develop a normal tempo within ourselves and energy flows freely". shagee.anna2000@gmail.com
Go to the profile of TC King
TC King
Dad, husband, entrepreneur & writer.
Go to the profile of Caroline Kaye
Caroline Kaye
Lover of breakfast for dinner & writing out my feelings. Passionate about writing out the things, we’re sometimes too afraid to talk about.
Go to the profile of Matt Youth
Matt Youth
Writer, Rock’n’Roller, decent-human wannabe. Find my Books and other stuff on www.mattyouth.com
Go to the profile of Chelsea Renee MAT
Chelsea Renee MAT
Everyday mortal, person, human, eccentric, unconventional, educated, and most importantly, open-minded.
Go to the profile of Thalia Dunn
Thalia Dunn
I’ve been scribbling in notebooks and journals for years and finally decided to share with like-minded pilgrims on our adventure through life.
Go to the profile of jazel l. faith
jazel l. faith
hazelwithaj.wordpress.com for stories, blogs, book reviews and poems with their backstories.
Go to the profile of Kait Leonard
Kait Leonard
Kait Leonard writes about quirky characters, astrology, and leaving the city. She shares her life with five parrots and her gigantic American bulldog, Seeger.
Go to the profile of Muhammad Nasrullah Khan
Muhammad Nasrullah Khan
His short stories are well-recognized internationally for his unique prose style. nasar_peace@hotmail.com
Go to the profile of Lakshmi Sudhanshu🦄
Lakshmi Sudhanshu🦄
I m a doctor who writes Stories, Poems, health and lifestyle related articles. I do Sketching and Painting.
Go to the profile of Mark Alden
Mark Alden
Writing about change, midlife, art, and creativity.
Go to the profile of Theewari Dulandiya
Theewari Dulandiya
Hello everyone! I am a simple woman and I would love to travel, write, paint, knit, cook, eat and listen to music.
Go to the profile of Kasun Ranasinghe
Kasun Ranasinghe
Amateur writer, storyteller, speaker, and engineer.
Go to the profile of Sandy Knight
Sandy Knight
♻️ReCycLeD HuMaN♻️MaKiNg a CoMebAcK💚
Go to the profile of Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.
Go to the profile of Krista Marson
Go to the profile of G.R. MELVIN
“science of truth isn’t my strong suit. But I can watch from a garage roof; take semi evaluative notes, & make up semi reflective reports, & fake some control”
Go to the profile of John Tinney
John Tinney
Writer of the novel ‘Bootleg Karma’ - coming soon from Razur Cuts Books @razurcutsmag. Short stories in Razur Cuts Mag, 404INK Magazine, Every Day Fiction …
Go to the profile of Darius
Go to the profile of Paul S Markle
Paul S Markle
Wordsmith Apprentice studying under this collective community genius. Writer of fiction, poetry, etc. Former head shrinker, current equine coach…
Go to the profile of shalu bandara
shalu bandara
17 | Language Student | Buddhist Sri Lankan (She/Her)
Go to the profile of Jake Udell
Go to the profile of Shell St. James
Shell St. James
Writer. Adrift on a Triscuit raft, in search of olives... or a slice of pumpernickel in the sea of Wonderbread. Possibly just hungry. Check back later 💜POM💜
Go to the profile of Tatum Hamernik
Tatum Hamernik
Author of Ocean Breath: A Poetry Book. Freelance writer, book lover, YouTube fan, and Instagram poet | www.tatumhamernik.com
Go to the profile of Nishkarsh
I am a voracious reader, movie buff, dreamer, coffee addict, logophile and total epistemophile. Big fan of Stephen King.
Go to the profile of A Fantastical Thing
A Fantastical Thing
Hello! It’s great to have you here! My name is Aubrey & I love to write short stories & poetry & about plants. Feel free to follow! Instagram:@afantasticalthing
Go to the profile of Jade Willow
Jade Willow
Jade Willow enjoys writing eccentric poetry for her readers. She also enjoys cups of tea, books, comfy socks, and comfy chairs. twitter.com/poetjadewillow
Go to the profile of Brian Theobald
Brian Theobald
Signifying nothing.
Go to the profile of Rebecca N. Herz
Go to the profile of Jim McAulay🍁 I'm nobody. Are you a nobody too?
Jim McAulay🍁 I'm nobody. Are you a nobody too?
I love puns. https://medium.com/@Jim_McAulay/membership Use this link if you love them too. I’m not joking, but Stephen King has a son who is Joe King.
Go to the profile of nin
Exploring art through neural networks.