Grab a Slice Newsletter

Now featuring real news!

Mark Kelly
Grab a Slice


3 min readFeb 28, 2021


Pizza Hut, via

It’s been too long…

Yes, I know I promised not to stuff your inboxes, but I’ve still been a little bit lax to let the months roll by without so much as a peep.

I’ve throttled back on my own writing for various reasons, including getting busy with other things and feeling that I’d almost said all I wanted to say. That hasn’t stopped me from adding a clutch of new writers, and maintaining a healthy turnaround speed for any new submissions sent in by our contributors.

As previously, anyone who would like to join the club need only email me at to be added as a writer.

But now this…

What spurred me to send out this latest was some genuine change on the Grab a Slice website. You may have been following the great American Rainbow story, being serialised by Starkey and nearing its thrilling conclusion. At a more sedate pace, Michael Stang is also contributing sections of his Scream novel, also graced with a separate tab on the main site. Well, those trailblazers got me thinking.

They say that everyone has a book inside them. In many cases folks have gone so far as to get it outside in draft form and have then been foxed by the literary establishment’s hermetically sealed fortress.

Well, now there’s a place for all of those draft full-length manuscripts (or even perfectly polished masterpieces) if all other avenues are blocked.

I have started a Novels tab on the Grab a Slice site and will welcome your full-length drafts for publication there. Include the Full Novel descriptive tag and it will drop in automatically. I can’t guarantee to have time to read each and every story before publication, so they will be posted unedited — caveat lector.

But I hope this will solve the problem for some of you of how to get your deathless prose out there as a hostage to fortune and seize the chance of someday getting discovered as the unsung genius of our times.

To start the ball rolling, I have published my own Alpha Lab novel in its entirety. Languishing unread in the Amazon Kindle store for decades, this is its latest and probably last day in the sun.

I look forward to seeing your full-length submissions!

Something’s got to give…

Sadly there are only so many auto-populating tabs we can have on the main site. I have decided to give up Travel as a separate topic, and will migrate all of the stories so tagged over to Nonfiction as soon as I can.

Also apologies are in order (to newer writers) that the Meet the Writers feature page has fallen a little behind. I’ll get this caught up too, unless I receive alternative suggestions for a feature page which does a better job of highlighting the talents of our little group (I’ve seen no indication that the Meet the Writers tab is much visited).

And that’s a wrap…

Many thanks for reading. I hope you are excited about submitting (or reading) hitherto unpublished novels on the platform. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this might be something a little bit unusual on Medium, or even possibly unique!



Mark Kelly
Grab a Slice

Writing about family, trading, spirituality and popular culture. Speculating in my fiction and investments. Made more mistakes than I’m admitting here.