Grab a Slice — The Third Epistle

Mark Kelly
Grab a Slice
Published in
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4 min readMar 4, 2020

Top tip if you are reading this in an email — scroll down to the bottom of the letter and click View in Browser. Why? Well, last time round the email stripped out the links to featured articles, so the experience was a bit flat unless you went over to the website (or phone app). Just saying.

First Things First

Welcome to all of our new readers. This third bulletin from Grab a Slice was triggered by the exciting news that the publication has just reached 100 followers.

That’s fantastic, and even though some may have switched off notifications, it means that this mail should reach at least 50 of you. Thanks so much for joining this little but growing venture, and I hope we continue to serve up what you like to consume.

You can have a direct impact on that of course by sending in suggestions to the email given below or, if you are a writer, letting me know you would like to be added.

Next Things Next

An equally huge thank you to the throng of new writers who have joined our ranks.

Sylvia Wohlfarth has a lot of other options, but has been kind enough to send a couple of articles this way. The quality of her writing is evidenced by the way they have shot to the top of our Trending section.

See her top story here.

Synia Sidhe submitted a delightful romantic story, with her own illustration, and I hope will be back to submit more.

Avalina Robin Harvey graced us with an account of how Valentine’s Day doesn’t have quite the same meaning for those not in a relationship. Welcome Avalina, and come back soon.

Alexandra Sol brought her philosophical insights to bear in her first submission. I want to chair a debate between Alexandra and Britni Pepper

Salitha Nirmana Meththasinghe is the dark horse among the new contributors. I know little about him, except that he has submitted some compelling lyrical verses with a Middle Eastern setting. Welcome, Salitha.

Finally, and somewhat unbelievably, (real) Jarett Dunn has exactly the same interests as me in automated crypto trading, mental health issues and spirituality. What a combo — It’s like I found a mini-me!


I continue to be grateful to the Grab a Slice regular contributors, who have made it such a special corner of Medium, a fact that is coming to the attention of an ever-growing number of readers.

Humble thanks and shoutout to Timothy O'Neill, Delta B. McKenzie, Britni Pepper, White Feather and Starkey. Always here for you guys!

Not to say we aren’t still recruiting writers. I have been (or will be) stalking for submissions from Marie T Smith, Michelle Monet, “flying fingers” Matthew Donnellon and Roz Warren, all of whom have other places they need to be, but whose voices here too would be most appreciated.

Others who would like to be added are most welcome to mail me at and we’ll get you sorted in short order.

Bowing to the Inevitable

Writing on Medium about writing on Medium has always seemed to me to be a particularly introspective exercise. But that hasn’t stopped me from doing it.

Surprise, surprise, my own spoutings about the platform are more popular than most of my work on other topics, which mean so much more to me.

The only article from February which garnered more than 500 claps was the One Comma Club, which, to my over-judgemental mind, was lightweight fluff, but it seemed to strike a chord with both readers and writers.

Since these articles have some traction and my business/technology tab was withering on the vine, I’ve switched out Bus/Tech for a Medium heading, where we can contemplate our navels in comfort.

The business posts haven’t disappeared, just been re-designated under Nonfiction, aka Slice of Life. Something had to go as only seven navigated tabs are available (and since I was the only contributor to bus/tech no-one else should be inconvenienced by the change).

It’s A Wrap

Thank you for reading, as ever. I shouldn’t be troubling your inbox for a while now, but do keep in touch with any comments or suggestions, and enjoy a browse around if it’s your first time here.

Warmest Regards,


PS — don’t be surprised to see the tag #500Race in my March posts. I’m taking part in a challenge by Cre8tive Media to help me refine my tweeting skills!



Mark Kelly
Grab a Slice

Writing about family, trading, spirituality and popular culture. Speculating in my fiction and investments. Made more mistakes than I’m admitting here.