
The Ice Age is Coming!

The ice age is coming!

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2020


Source — (Pixabay)

I have to admit that I was giggling as I wrote that title. I was reminded of the catch phrase from the fable about Chicken Little. It’s a story that teaches humans that it is not very cool to be a chicken little. It’s downright unacceptable. The herd mind has no tolerance for those who herald doom and gloom.

I am reminded of the many scientists who over the past few years have been proclaiming, A pandemic is coming! A pandemic is coming! No one paid any attention to them.

Recently I wrote an article about my yearning for the local lilac bushes to bloom. (Here) There are several lilac bushes across the street which I can see from my office window. Over a week ago I went over there to more closely inspect the bushes. They had big fat buds that looked like they were going to burst forth in blossom at any minute.

But they didn’t bloom. And they didn’t bloom. So yesterday, during a break in the rain and snow, I went across the street for another close inspection. To my utter horror I saw that all the buds were now black and bent over and drying. It turns out that there will be no lilacs blossoms this year. 2020 will always be etched in my memory as ‘the year the lilac bushes never bloomed.

