Gratefully Yours Pub is Reborn

You can help our sweet space thrive

Michelle Marie Warner
Gratefully Yours
Published in
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2 min readApr 30, 2021


Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay

Hello my friends,

When I started Gratefully Yours publication, I had big dreams to expand our sense of gratitude through the written word. I’m still on board with that, though I didn’t pay much attention to pub operation until now. I’m hereby rebirthing this tiny but mighty project for collective enjoyment and inspiration.

Life often hits us with challenges we don’t initially consider all that fabulous. But then we discover that we’ve been offered a valuable growth opportunity. When we can see this, our perspective shifts and we access gratitude. We find the silver lining in the clouds.

“There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts.” — Richard Bach

The above quote has saved me from morbid reflection and hopelessness when faced with difficult life situations. Bach reminds us that we’re here to learn, grow, and thrive from our challenges. Every problem contains a gift for each of us.

I invite you to join me in sharing hope, faith, and blessings in disguise that we can find in the most unlikely places. If you’d like to be a writer for Gratefully Yours, please read the article below for submission guidelines and leave a comment. You can also reply to this email with interest. Thank you!

In gratitude, Michelle

aka The Grateful Writer



Michelle Marie Warner
Gratefully Yours

Writer of all things personal, socially conscious, sensitive AF, single LGBTQIA+ mom. Ready to bite off more than I've been chewing.