Great Runs in Regina, Saskatchewan

Note: For the Full Guide to Running in Regina, see the GR Website

Mark Lowenstein
Great Runs
1 min readAug 10, 2020


Regina is the capital of Saskatchewan and the province’s second largest city. This prairie city is situated on a broad, flat, treeless plane, but city planners were prescient enough to plant 300,000+ trees and create a beautiful lake and park area in the central part of the city. The scene for running in Regina is surprisingly good for a small city, with the iconic Wascana Center, numerous parks, and an extensive network of multi-use paths.

Wascana Center and Lake Loops

Devonian Pathway Parks and River Tour

Regina Northside/Normanview Paths

Regina-East Side Paths

Good Residential Neighborhoods for Running



Mark Lowenstein
Great Runs

Author of Great Runs Guide. For Travelers Who Run and Runners Who Travel