What is Negative Carbon Footprint

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2 min readFeb 19, 2019
Image Source : Internet

Let’s see what is carbon footprint first.

It is the measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide(co2) , Methane and few other green house gases released into the environment by an animal, human, product, event, organisation, or a country.There are two types 1. Direct Carbon Footprint , 2.Indirect Carbon Footprint.

Direct Carbon Footprint

It is the emissions caused by the individual or an organisation direct , like the emissions released by the car used.

Indirect Carbon Footprint

It is the indirect emissions like fuel and energy spent to extract, Refine, transport the car fuel to the individual for use. Or the electricity which is a clean energy at the point of use but is produced from fossil fuels and other non sustainable methods.

Lets see what is Negative Carbon Footprint

A Negative carbon foot print on the other hand is an individual’s activity or a product that absorbs carbon and other green house gases.

Best ways to Establish Negative Carbon Footprint

  1. Use of Bamboo- Learn More.
  2. Moving To a Sustainable Lifestyle.

We have to work together to Establish a Carbon Neutral lifestyle or it will have dangerous consequences at our current phase of abuse of fossil fuels and unsustainable practices.

You can learn more about our efforts and mission at GREENKRAFTZ.ORG

