Space Log // Re:re: You’ve been selected to apply for the Handler position.

Eden Wen
Greg and Eden
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2018
Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

from: | to:

date: 01:02:23 AM on January 22, ..44

mailed_by:| security: RPSS Encryption

Hi Lou,

Thank you for answering my questions. I would like to formally accept this position. I look forward to hearing about the next step.



5 more messages

original message

from: | to:

date: 12:31:57 PM on January 15, ..44

mailed_by:| security: RPSS Encryption

Dear Margot,

Congratulations! Based on your marks at the IO Space Academy, we at Rainer Power Space Systems have selected you to be one of six Handlers running this year’s missions. With much discussion with the Academy General, we believe you would be outstanding in the position overseeing Mission Verne, the details of which will be revealed should you accept our Terms & Conditions. We urge you to highly consider this opportunity of, dare we say, several lifetimes! We would also like to add that you are our first choice and are eager to hear a response from you by end-of-week, January 22.

Please scan your identifying code on your touchpad at this time to accept our Terms & Conditions and enter our non-disclosure agreement. The email will continue after agreement.

If you do not wish to continue, please respond to the email with “I do not accept the Terms & Conditions”.

Identify here: [M.Bittner accepted on 04:55:02 PM on January 15, ..44]


The goal of Mission Verne is to aid in the creation of the first RPSS base in the Aedrea Galaxy to further the company vision—to bring life to light, wherever it may be, using the unique RPSS technology to ignite creation.

Job description

Margot, you will be working at the RPSS base on IO in coordination and cooperation with a team of six explorers headed to BRU-HM88, a.k.a. Baru, in the Aedrea Galaxy. Because of the distance between IO and Baru, these explorers are traveling light, especially on non-necessities, i.e. super-computers, advanced toolkits, tool generators, etc. This is where you come in.

For the success of Mission Verne, you will be responsible for:

  • Maintaining consistent communication with all 6 explorers and ensure all exploration needs are met when their limited supplies reach capacity or fail them,
  • Transporting tools to the team in a timely manner, perhaps even preemptively before the team is aware of their own needs, to aid their mission,
  • Advocating for the needs of your assigned team, if needed, in the event of multiple teams vying for similar resources,
  • Reporting in weekly meetings on the progress of Mission Verne and suggesting ways to expedite the goals of the mission.

You will report to:

  • David Rainer, VP of Mission Success
  • TBD point-of-contact with partner


∆7661,99 per week, as required by the RPSS-IO Space Academy First Year Agreement, with opportunity to increase to ∆8221,31 after three months.

Special considerations:

While you will be communicating with all members of the team, in this position, we ask that you pay special attention to Explorer 435, Chuck Sasaki. His mission, while parallel to Mission Verne, has more confidential and urgent needs than other members of the team, including the head of the mission Captain Jae M. Tsuk. He comes from a partner of ours that has asked us not to disclose any more than this.

While we are bound by some confidentiality on our end, specifically regarding Mr. Sasaki, please ask any questions you may have regarding this position.

Thank you for your time and consideration, Margot. We look forward to hearing from you.


Lou Kostka, Mission Recruiter

Introducing an improvised fiction, SPACE LOG: VERNE.

Each week, we alternate writing improvised segments of one story. Improvised, here, meaning we won’t be consulting each other on the direction of the story; we can only rely on what we’ve written in our previous Logs and what they dictate for the fates of our characters. This was Entry 1.

Next Entry

