Go to GROW Observatory Stories
GROW Observatory Stories
GROW Food. GROW Soil. GROW Science.
Note from the editor

GROW Food. GROW Soil. GROW Science. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement №609199

Go to the profile of GROW Observatory
GROW Observatory
Let’s collaborate to grow great food, improve our soils, and help science with vital environmental monitoring. Get involved! http://growobservatory.org/
Go to the profile of Devyn O-S
Devyn O-S
Thinks about: dogs. green building. baking. local food. fonts. permaculture. sushi. design. no-waste cooking. making. what’s for lunch. not in that order.
Go to the profile of oliver moore
oliver moore
Food, farming, organics, environment: column @IrishExaminer; Communications arc2020.eu; PhD sociology; UCC's Cntr for Co-op Studies; Views mine RT not support!
Go to the profile of Pavlos Georgiadis
Pavlos Georgiadis
Ethnobotanist, Author & Food Catalyst | community manager @growobservatory | grower @CalypsoTree | cofounder @WeDeliverTaste | @ClimateTracking | @TEDx speaker
Go to the profile of Drew Hemment
Drew Hemment
Professor of Data Arts and Society at University of Edinburgh. Turing Fellow and Fellow of RSA. He leads The New Real and founded FutureEverything in 1995.
Go to the profile of Deborah Long
Go to the profile of Niusia Winczewska
Niusia Winczewska
Communication Designer at @GROWobservatory | Graphic designer & doodler at @spiritlabdesign | Nature is the best of designers
Go to the profile of Matt Locke
Matt Locke
Director of www.storythings.com. Runs www.howwegettonext.com, www.thestory.org.uk, and lots of other stuff.
Go to the profile of Aaron Bailey
Go to the profile of Sarah Cossom