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Grow With the Flow
Grow With the Flow
Exploring the road less traveled in marketing, business and life. By the bees at Yools. We help entrepreneurs grow through authentic communication, starting with a high performing website. More on www.yools.be (webdesign) and inside.yools.be (organization).
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Yools en haar ambassadeurs steunen VZW Debateville

Sympathisanten die Yools aanbevelen, bedanken we graag met een geschenk. Sinds kort kan, wie wil, dit geschenk omzetten in een donatie van 250 euro aan VZW Debateville, Op deze manier helpen onze klanten en sympathisanten om aan…

Bottom-up Plans instead of Targets

This article first appeared on Enlivening Edge on Sept. 2nd, 2016.

Targets might not fit well in an organization built on principles of purpose, self-management and wholeness. However, it’s important to replace them with something more…