Write for Us

We would love to include your stories here on Growing Grief.

Mary DeVries
Growing Grief


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Please read Why Growing Grief? first to understand the goals of this publication.

What we are looking for

Possible types of stories include:

  • personal stories surrounding the diagnosis and treatment phases of a dying person, either yourself or a loved one
  • personal stories about the sudden death of someone important to you
  • the death process itself
  • coping with grief after a death
  • things you’ve learned about yourself during your grief
  • things that helped you
  • stories about the person you lost
  • poetry related to grief

Really any story that either helps you by writing it or you imagine could help another grieving person to read is appropriate.

What isn’t appropriate is preaching.


There are no formatting rules here. Grief is messy and exhausting and we don’t have time for that. However, the cleaner and easier your story is to read the more likely people are to read it. Following any of the many excellent style guides here on Medium is likely to…



Mary DeVries
Growing Grief

The older I get, the less I know. That won’t stop me from writing about everything and anything under the sun. Join me in delighting and despairing about life.