How We’re Making it FUN to Save Life on Earth

Guardians of Earth
Guardians of Earth
Published in
5 min readSep 27, 2022

It shouldn’t surprise people that life in the real-world needs heroes. The U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity estimates that up to 150 species are lost every day. Earth is facing our most significant threat to the diversity of the life that calls it home since a giant space rock wiped out the Dinosaurs — or at least most of them😉🐦 — 66 million years ago.

It may surprise people though that to create the heroes life needs we are building a Web3 game — Guardians of Earth. We are doing this to empower people like you to take on an active role in our mission to save life on Earth. If you’re surprised by this approach, then this blog should help. You can always check out our last couple blog pieces too, on why we are building a game, and why we are building with Web3.

In today’s piece, we’ll take a look at how the Guardians of Earth (GoE) game is taking shape. We’ll give you an early peak at some of the game design as we ‘build in public’ with our community of Guardians. We’ll give you a sense of how this game is going to deliver on the mission to save life on Earth — and how you can be a part of it.

As mentioned, we’re building in public here to make sure what we deliver is what our community wants. This means we are sharing concepts and designs that are ‘works in progress’. Know that we are always open to feedback, and much will continue to evolve as we continue this journey with our community.

A mythical artwork of ‘The Keeper of the Primates’ — which will appear in the core experience of the Guardians of Earth game.
Image: Will you summon ‘The Keeper of the Primates’?

How will GoE save life on Earth?

Look, it’s not great news that our species is the cause of the beginnings of the 6th mass extinction. What is good news though is that the future isn’t written, that people like you care about making a difference — and together the impact we can have is massive. You see Homo sapiens aren’t just the cause of this mess, quite simply, we are the only solution.

Essentially, this is what GoE is all about — empowering as many people around our beautiful planet — unlocking their vast potential to actively map biodiversity, and grow closer to nature through deeply fun positive experiences in and with nature.

To succeed on our mission to save life on Earth, GoE must do three fundamental things:

  1. Excite,
  2. Engage, and
  3. Empower.

We must EXCITE as many people as possible with powerfully emotive mission, theme, story and art. We must then ENGAGE, and retain, them through novel, but fundamentally fun game experiences. Getting the Excitement and Engagement factors right, gives us the opportunity to ultimately EMPOWER our audience.

How will GoE Excite?

Where there is magic, there is hope. Yet the world stands by as the Spirits of nature are dying. The future of life on Earth is in the hands of Guardians, like you. Discover the power within you to save the magic that is life itself.

There is no more meaningful mission than saving life on Earth. The GoE story will take players into a game-world that is mapped against the real world, but infused with magic and solarpunk imagery. Let’s explore story and art in a future blog, because at the moment our primary focus is on ensuring a deeply engaging core experience…

Animation of a magical explosion around the player’s avatar.
Image: Work in progress animation concepts for when players use consumables directly on the AR map.

How will GoE Engage?

We are designing the core experience of GoE to be free and fun for everyone — this is a priority over all else. All other intentions to connect people with nature amount to nothing if we fail to engage a player base through experiences that keep them thirsty for more. This is why we are committed to making the core experiences of GoE ‘Free-to-Play’ — meaning anyone, anywhere, so long as you have access to a smartphone, will be able to immediately experience the magic and mystery of the GoE adventure without barriers.

Image: Early mock-up of avatar exploring the game-world map, with points of interest for Spirits, as well as other players sightings or ‘Encounters’.

Explore the Augmented Reality (AR) game world as you move through the real world.

The game’s core loop is about discovering otherworldly Spirits, and winning a minigame, so you can earn rewards and level up your Spirit collections. As you traverse both the game and real worlds looking for Spirits, you’ll also explore their connection with Encounters or Sightings of actual Earth-life from Explorers all around the world. What’s more, you’ll also be able to summon mythical Keepers that can teleport you to far-off places so you might discover hard to get Spirits.

Image: Sneak-peak at one of the soon to be confirmed Hadean Spirits. Discovered by Explorer ‘erickthebirdman’.
Image: Sneak-peak at one of the soon to be confirmed Hadean Spirits. Discovered by Explorer ‘Life Gone Wild’.
Image: Sneak-peak at one of the soon to be confirmed Hadean Spirits. Discovered by Explorer ‘The Owl Whisperer’.

As you progress, growing your own collections, you’ll climb the ranks of ‘Guardians’ — even unlocking the power inside you to regenerate the world around you (and not just within the game… it’s a metaphor… for having an impact on the real world… get it?).

You’ll quickly come to realise though there is much more to the GoE world. You’ll be empowered to help save life on Earth in the REAL world. How exactly? Well, let’s dive into that in our next post.


We are Guardians of Earth — building the first ever Play-Earn-Protect game where your real world knowledge and in-game actions help protect life on Earth. You are a Guardian. Here’s how you can support the mission:



Guardians of Earth
Guardians of Earth

Guardians of Earth (GoE) is a nature tech company that generates wealth for people and organisations engaged in eco-positive action.