5 Easy steps to connect your wallet to ApeSwap

Michael John Smurthwaite
H2O Securities
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2022

ApeSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows you to swap between tokens in an efficient way. In order to swap cryptocurrency for H2ON or vice versa, using ApeSwap, you will first need to connect your crypto wallet to the exchange. This article will show you step-by-step how you connect your crypto wallet to ApeSwap.

If you have not yet created your own crypto wallet, you should create one first before proceeding further with this guide. We suggest using MetaMask to create your wallet but you can select any wallet that accepts BEP20. If you need help with creating your first crypto wallet on MetaMask, this guide will help you set it up.

Once you have created your wallet or have logged in, follow these steps to connect your wallet to ApeSwap:

Step 1: Open your crypto wallet mobile app on your mobile device (in this example, we are using the MetaMask app). Click on the Menu option as indicated in (1) below.

Step 2: Next you will need to access the browser inside of your wallet and navigate the browser to https://apeswap.finance/. To access your browser, click on the “Browser” option from the menu as indicated in (2) below.

Step 3: On the top right-hand side, click “Connect” as shown in (3) above.

Step 4: Now select your preferred wallet from the list. In this example, we will select MetaMask as indicated in (4) above.

Step 5: A pop-up box will open like in (5) below. Check that your correct wallet is indicated on the pop-up and click connect to connect ApeSwap to your wallet.

You will now see that your wallet is connected as shown in (6) above and you can click on “Ape In” to begin the process of swapping tokens. You will now also be able to access all the functions and features offered by ApeSwap.

