$H2ON Staking pools are a powerful way to passively earn great returns

Michael John Smurthwaite
H2O Securities
Published in
8 min readJul 19, 2022

H2O Securities staking pools are now officially live and we are excited to be able to provide additional value to our H2ON Token holders. Staking your H2ON is a powerful way for you to earn consistent daily rewards and it empowers you to put your H2ON Tokens to work, without you needing to sell any of your tokens.

In this article, we will provide you with detailed information on our various staking opportunities, how to stake your H2ON, and some of the benefits associated with staking your H2ON.

What are the Staking options available to H2ON Token holders?

Within the H2O Water Network, there are different Staking options called “Pools”, which means that you can allocate your H2ON Tokens to a specific Staking Pool of your choice.

There are five Staking Pools available to you to stake your H2ON Tokens and these have been named after the five oceans of the world. They are the Southern Pool, Arctic Pool, Indian Pool, Atlantic Pool, and Pacific Pool. You can select any one or a combination of the pools to stake your H2ON Tokens in accordance with your personal financial views. Each Staking Pool has its own Annual Percentage Return (APR) as well as staking period (this is the lock and hold period during which your H2ON Tokens will not be accessible to you for trade or resale).

It is important that you take note of the Staking Pool APR as well as the staking period before you decide to stake your H2ON Tokens. Once staked, your H2ON Tokens are locked and cannot be withdrawn until the staking period has ended.

You have the power to decide how much of your H2ON Tokens you would like to stake and in which Staking Pools. We have not set a minimum or a maximum amount of H2ON Tokens that you can stake, however, we have set a maximum limit for each Staking Pool to enable a fair chance for every H2ON Token holder to earn a fair additional passive reward.

Once staked, you will start seeing the rewards almost instantly as the H2ON Staking Pools pay rewards every 3 seconds of the day, 28 800 times per day. With staking, you can compound your rewards, which means you can automatically re-invest the rewards for the duration of your lock period and thereby increase your rewards return over time.

What APR can I expect for each pool and what are the lock periods?

The following are the lock periods and expected APR for each pool:

  1. The Arctic Pool has a 30-day lock period and an APR of 10%.
  2. The Southern Pool has a lock period of 90 days and an APR of 12%.

3. The Indian Pool has a lock period of 180 days and an APR of 16%.

4. The Atlantic Pool has a lock period of 365 days and an APR of 20%.

5. The Pacific Pool has a lock period of 730 days and an APR of 22%.

How can staking early can benefit you?

It is important to note that there is a maximum number of H2ON Tokens that are allowed for each pool. This determines the overall size of the pool. What this means is that you could receive a much higher percentage APR for a specific pool depending on the number of people participating in the particular staking pool as well as the amount of staked H2ON. The earlier you stake in a pool, the greater your initial APR will be. As the pools fill up, the APR will decrease and get closer to the above outlined targeted APR.

If you own a 100 H2ON today, you would be able to sell your H2ON for around $100 (18 July). If you were to get in early and stake your 100 H2ON in the 180-day pool, for example, you would earn 3275% APR today which means 8.97 additional H2ON by the end of 24 hours.

If you then compound this, the APR would be applied to 108.97 H2ON. While the APR will decrease over time as the pool fills up, getting in early enables you to take advantage of the increased APR, compounded growth, and increase your H2ON holdings faster. Even if the APR was then halved (1638%), you would stand to receive 4.48 additional H2ON in the next 24 hours. The table below illustrates how getting in early and compounding your rewards can dramatically increase your returns (this is over a 7-day period).

By staking your H2ON early you could have made a 33,5% return in just the first 7 days, but it’s important to stake early before the Pools fill up and the APR’s decrease.

Please note that the above information is indicative and does not constitute actual guaranteed returns for a 7-day period. Returns above are calculated based on the current APR rate, and possible future APR rates and assume daily compounding. APRs are constantly changing and the actual rate at the time will determine the actual returns.

How do I get started?

Firstly you will need to set up a BEP20-compliant wallet in order to purchase your H2ON Tokens. You can select a wallet of your choice, however, we recommend Metamask and you can follow our guide to set up your Metamask wallet. If you already have a wallet and already own H2ON Tokens, feel free to skip to the next section and get to staking.

Once set up, you will need to purchase your H2ON Tokens along with some BNB to pay for the blockchain transaction cost known as “gas fees”. Don’t worry you won’t need that much BNB and $5 worth of BNB should be more than enough for teh Gas fees for staking, unstaking, and moving your H2ON Tokens (about ten times). You can purchase your H2ON Tokens from BitMart and ApeSwap.

Please note that each time you stake, unstake, or compound your rewards there is a flat fee of 0.0035BNB ($1-$1.2 depending on BNB price) that is levied in addition to the Gas Fees, If you plan to compound frequently, you may need to add or increase the BNB amount in your wallet.

Once you have your H2ON Tokens in your wallet and some BNB to pay for the gas fees, you will be able to stake your H2ON Tokens.

Step-by-Step guide on how to Stake your H2ON

To stake your H2ON, you will first need to go here (Please ensure that you are using a web3 enabled browser, like the Metamask Browser) and select the staking pool that you would like to stake in. Once you have selected the staking pool, you will need to connect your wallet. To do this, click on “Connect Wallet” on the top right-hand side (see the image below). You will need to be logged into your wallet in order to connect so please ensure that you have done this before clicking connect on the top right-hand side (top centre on mobile).

Once you click connect wallet, you will be asked to confirm and agree to sign in on https://earn.h2o-securities.com/ as per the below images. Once you have done this for the first time, it will only require you to sign in the next time you connect your wallet to the staking pools as shown in (3) below.

Next, you will need to select the staking pool that you would like to stake in. For this example, we have selected the Atlantic Pool and you will see the stake button highlighted on the bottom right.

Click on the “Stake” button in the specific pool that you have selected to stake your H2ON in. This will open a transaction window that requires you to select the amount of H2ON Tokens that you would like to stake. Use the slider to select the amount that you would like to stake (as shown in the image below).

Once you are happy with the amount, click “Confirm”. Once you click confirm, you will be asked by MetaMask to confirm the transaction as well as the associated gas fees. Once you confirm, the transaction will then be processed. Upon completion, you will receive confirmation and see your staked H2ON in the pool concerned.

After a few seconds, the first H2ON Token staking rewards will start reflecting. It will reflect under the “Earned” section of the specific pool as shown in the image below.

You can then choose to compound this reward. To compound your rewards, click “Compound” as shown in the image above. Then your wallet (MetaMask in our example) will ask you to confirm the transaction and associated gas fees. Once you confirm, the transaction is processed and your earned H2ON will be added to your current staked H2ON Token amount in that specific staking pool. You will earn rewards on your new balance moving forward. This is a fantastic way to ensure that you grow your rewards and H2ON Token Holdings.

When you are done staking or compounding your rewards, please make sure to click “Disconnect Wallet” to exit the staking pools site correctly.


Staking your H2ON Tokens is a fantastic way to passively grow your H2ON Token holdings and earn rewards while your staked tokens help the H2O Water Network to reduce water scarcity globally. Your rewards are paid out every 3 seconds of every day and can be compounded as they are received.

The Staking Pools are an amazing compounding tool in the palm of your hands that will enable you to significantly increase your staked H2ON Token holdings over the lock period and ultimately the return and reward for you at the end of the term. Hold, stake, earn rewards and grow your H2ON Token Holdings whilst being part of global change as we reduce water scarcity globally.

The content of this article and the table above is not investment advice and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to offer or recommendation of any investment product or strategy that you should utilize. Any figures or amounts stated are at the time of writing and do not take into account price fluctuations in the market.

