The power of staking and earning rewards from your H2ON Tokens.

Michael John Smurthwaite
H2O Securities
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2022
Image showing the five staking pools a person can stake their H2ON Tokens in as part of the H2O Water Network
H2O Water Network’s Five Staking Pools

As an H2ON Token holder, you have access to the H2O Water Network, which empowers you to participate in the network and earn rewards based on your participation. The H2O Water Network has a global reach and is designed to address the problems that prevent rapid scalability and deployment of water infrastructure by broadening the participation of global partners by combining expertise, suppliers, and services.

While you can actively participate through the H2O Water Networks connected services, and business opportunities generated for network participants both on-chain and off-chain, you can also participate more passively through staking your tokens and earning rewards for your participation.

We use our staking pools extensively to create value for our H2ON Token holders. When you stake your H2ON Tokens you become eligible for participation in the H2O Water Network as an accredited investor and network participant. This will enable you to participate in water projects and earn H2ON or USDT depending on the type of activity and project and Staking Pool. If you understand what staking is, skip to the benefits of staking your H2ON Tokens.

What is staking and how does it work?

Staking empowers and enables you to put your H2ON Tokens to work in order to earn passive rewards without needing to sell your tokens. Within the H2O Water Network, there are different Staking options called “Pools”, which means that you can allocate your tokens to a specific Staking Pool of your choice.

Rewards are expressed in Annual Percentage Return (APR), where the higher the APR that is indicated, the higher the reward or return. The following are important aspects that you need to know when staking your H2ON Tokens:

1) The rewards are dependent on many factors such as network use, the number of people participating in a particular Staking Pool, the maximum tokens allowed in the Staking Pool, the Token price, etc;

2) Staking Pools have a different lock and hold periods which means that your tokens will not be accessible to you for trade or re-sell for the specific period of time as indicated by the pool (similar to a bank call deposit account with a 30 or 60-day notice period);

3) While staked your H2ON Tokens are still subject to the currency gains and losses;

4) Due to the price movements of the currency as well as any changes in the parameters above the staking APR changes daily and sometimes even hourly.

What are the benefits of staking my H2ON Tokens?

Staking enables you to grow your H2ON Token holdings while your tokens help the H2O Water Network to reduce water scarcity globally. Your staked H2ON Tokens are a powerful tool for global change and a mechanism for you to generate greater value through staking rewards for yourself.

The H2O Water Network has five staking pools that have been named after the five oceans of the world. These are the Southern Pool, Arctic Pool, Indian Pool, Atlantic Pool, and Pacific Pool. You can select any one or a combination of the pools according to your personal financial views. Each Staking Pool will have its own Annual Percentage Return (APR) as well as staking period (this is the lock and hold period during which your tokens will not be accessible to you for trade or re-sell).

You have the power to decide how much of your H2ON Tokens you would like to stake and in what Staking Pools. We have not set a minimum or a maximum amount of H2ON Tokens that you can stake, however, we have set a maximum limit for each Staking Pool to enable a fair chance for every H2ON Token holder to earn a fair additional passive reward.

Only a maximum of 70% of all H2ON Tokens can be staked at any time, because rewards for placing in the pools can be high the Staking Pools could reach capacity very quickly.

The H2ON Staking Pools pay rewards every 3 seconds of the day, 28 800 times per day. H2ON allows you to auto compound your rewards, this means you can automatically re-invest the rewards for the duration of your staking or you can choose to withdraw these.

How do I get started?

Firstly you will need to set up a BEP20-compliant wallet in order to purchase your H2ON Tokens. You can select a wallet of your choice, however, we recommend Metamask and you can follow our guide to set up your Metamask wallet.

Once set up, you will need to purchase your H2ON Tokens along with some BNB to pay for the blockchain transaction cost known as “gas fees”. Don’t worry you won't need that much BNB and $2 worth of BNB should be more than enough for staking, unstaking, and moving your H2ON Tokens ten times.

Once you have your H2ON Tokens in your wallet and some BNB to pay for the gas fees, you will be able to stake your H2ON Tokens. Staking Pools open on the 7th of July 2022 and you can check back here for a link to a detailed guide and instructions on how to stake your H2ON Tokens.

