How A Simple Typeform Growth Hack Can Get You Golden Reviews

Good reviews can make or break your app or business so here is a simple way to ensure you get many more great ones:

Evan Schoepke


1. About Typeform

Typeform is a web form and survey service that has been growing incredibly fast due to it’s simple, innovative, design and mobile-friendly user interface. Getting a plug here and there on ProductHunt doesn’t hurt either. The first two words that come to my mind to describe it are awesome and beautiful. Full disclosure, I recently started working with them so I’ll admit some bias, but I’m sure I would say the same thing regardless.

2. Reviews

Before my current position, I helped run a small creative agency and we used Typeform to gather leads and feedback for ourselves and our customers. It was during this time that I discovered yet another thing that Typeform is great for. Reviews. This discovery was so self evidently valuable to businesses that I felt as though I had unearthed some sort of golden treasure from the digital duff. To understand exactly what I mean by this we have to look at what is problematic about reviews as they currently stand.

People familiar with marketing know that online reviews on sites like Yelp or in mobile app stores can be a great boon or bane. Once you get a few bad reviews it is pretty difficult to get rid of them and the only thing you can hope for is that they will be buried under more positive reviews. But, what if you had a method that could increase the ratio of positive to negative reviews coming in? This is where Typeform comes in and here are the steps:

3. Using Typeform to Get More Great Reviews

  1. Create a new Typeform with the branding of your business or app.
  2. Put in relevant questions that address the customer’s experience and be sure to have a few that include rating signals.
  3. Create two separate final thank you pages.
  4. Use a Logic Jump (a PRO feature) to make sure that respondents who think highly of your business or app will end up at one thank you page, while those who don't will end up at another.
  5. Use the final redirect button on one thank you page to encourage those respondents who rated you highly to review your company or app on whatever service you need good reviews on, while with all the others who didn’t you can send them to a page with a simple, “Thank you for your feedback”.
  6. Next, pick your ideal distribution strategy. Typeforms can be easily distributed via URL over social media, mailing lists, push notifications, or embedded into websites.
  7. Finally, share your form with your customers and watch the good reviews roll in.

This method is simple, effective, and downright amazing. The feedback and data that you can get from your customers, in the long run, will be just as valuable in improving your business as the extra marketing boost. Good luck and happy Typeforming!



Evan Schoepke

BD and Growth @CityGrows, web + eco-designer, avid cyclist who loves to dance. Formerly, BD @Typeform & @Flattr, editor