

The Short Story: Awesome

Beth Klaser
Hacked Tabletop


Each player builds a stained glass window by building up a grid of dice on their player board. Each board has some restrictions on which color or shade (value) of die can be placed there. Dice of the same shade or color may never be placed next to each other. Dice are drafted in player order, with the start player rotating each round, snaking back around after the last player drafts two dice. Scoring is variable per game based on achieving various patterns and varieties of placement…as well as bonus points for dark shades of a particular hidden goal color.

BoardGameGeek Rating: 7.7
MSRP: $47.99
Players: 1–4
Ages: 14+
Playtime: 20–40 Min
Publishers: Floodgate Games
Designers: Adrian Adamescu
Year: 2017


Sagrada is a dice rolling, pattern collecting, set collecting, strategy game. Like building a stain glass window.


All around solid. The double thick board holds all the dice in place, so it’s a bit tight.


Simple, bright, and beautiful.


The game mechanics are really easy. The cards have different varying difficulties, meaning it can be fun for everyone.


Moderate High

Our Reviews

My rating: 8.5
by Aaron Klaser

I really enjoy this game… a lot. It’s easy to play, it’s fun, a great balance of luck and strategy, and it looks amazing. We struggled at first trying to understand the beads and actions that you can take, but once we understood that it was on!

Fair warning, this game can be stressful sometimes. Following the placement rules can be tough, and easy to miss. It might be two turns later before your notice you made a mistake.

*Hack* The rules say if you realize you made a mistake you must remove it and discard the dice. We play that you, can use the action cards to fix the mistakes but any left at the end off the game must be removed. This helps keeps me from flipping the table :P

My only real complaint is I wish there was more. Sure, it comes with more than enough player cards, but it could be more score methods/patterns, and way more actions. But really, that’s a frivolous complaint.

My rating: 8.5
by Beth Klaser

I was hesitent to pick up Sagrada. Generally, I am hesitant when there is a decent amount of hype behind a game. Especially, when I see how “hard” it is to find. Is the hype real? Or was it an illusion caused by the masses?

In Sagrada players take turns drafting a number of colored dice. The colored dice are placed on the players window in terms of die color and pattern, as the same number and color cannot be placed next to each other. If they are, one must be removed immediately. There are tools cards, public objectives and private objectives available to each player. Players use favor tokens to take advantage of the tool cards. Tool cards are helpers for the players who may need them. They allow the players to do things like swapping dice placement, returning die to the bag, or re-rolling the die. The public and private objectives give the players the opportunity to earn more points. The player with the higher victory point total is the winner.

I really like Sagrada because it is easy to learn, teach, and play. We have even played with our eight year old daughter. And, while the age is suggested at 14+, this is likely due to the small dice. If your child doesn’t eat dice, you are in the clear. Sagrada can be played at a coffee table or kitchen table. The dice are bright, fun colors that have matching windows. I appreciate a solid family friendly game. Sagrada knocks it out of the ball park.

Check it out!

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