Make your business processes SMART with Obizcoin BOT

Obizcoin ICO
5 min readJan 20, 2018


What is obizcoin bot and process?

80% of Startups and SMEs across the world go up against certain standard challenges in supervising businesses. These incorporate things like getting the perfect people and holding them, delegating tasks and robotization issue, absence of required domain learning, employee issue, cash flow management, adjusting quality and advancement, client satisfaction, stock administration, keeping up the organization measures and some more.

Regulating business forms adequately, is one of the key factors required for Startups and SME Businesses to support and develop. Exact working of procedures is unavoidable to run the affiliation.

These methodology incorporate buying, purchasing, sales, Human Resource, Accounts, Business Development, Customer Service and a couple of other small and immense strategies inside the affiliation.

The market is humungous as 70% of associations on the planet are Startups and SMEs.

Obizcoin conveys the answer to manage every one of these issues and issues of SME and Startup associations with its domain skills experience, rich industry knowledge and exhibited management procedures.

They are attempting to give these arrangements by passing it on through a Knowledge BOT, in perspective of Artificial Intelligence and block chain technology. These courses of action in the obizcoin BOT will ensure that the associations are supervised capably.

The SME collapse rate in the world market would reduce because of management reason is restricted.

As far as the BOT is concerned it figures out how to secure a procedure according to the design of the administration strategy while establishment. The Bot is intended to be augmented with the current ERP of the corporate in order to get all the important past information and independently make decisions in light of the procedure soaked up in the bot utilizing block chain innovation. A process is a series of tasks relegated to ensure that every conceivable check is performed before it is accepted. It is a constant and dull undertaking which is performed by the bot on regular routine which likewise makes it smarter with human communication.

What and how is Smart BOT incorporated?

BOT will be equipped for getting ready and executing smart contracts that will empower associations to computerize tedious and definitive tasks with predefined conditions and results. Smart contracts will be executed inside and beyond the company like sellers, vendors etc.

This will help the company to make the procedures transparent and secure. It will perform SWOT examination of the business to give a definite thought to what can be updated to realize effective use of assets.

Obizcoin BOT is equipped with domain knowledge to empower entrepreneurs to have a focused edge over the business condition. BOTs are up to date with plans to give any early cautioning for failures which helps basic decision making and give an operational guide to the association. Obizcoin Bot has the capacities to reflect on to the assigned out process and change them if a crisis circumstance emerges. This should happen just with the knowledge of all the important parties associated with the basic leadership as it can’t change any points of interest without the information of the management.

Clients will include insights in regards to the procedure it needs to make and define objectives in order to actualize the procedure. The conversation might be through text or voice.

Smart Process BoT, might recommend the best procedure, from its learning database, to meet the goal of the client. Organizations should choose the proposed procedure by BoT and revise couple of things, as best fit to the prerequisite or may totally make another procedure.

It will likewise align their teams to each technique inside the procedure in this segment. BoT might likewise test the API’s and propose any blunders, assuming any, wherein the API’s should be designed.

Management will define the prizes and parameters of rewards to be distributed to clients. Prizes can be in type of crypto currency, fiat cash, reward points, and so forth. Subsequent to characterizing the above parameters, BoT should test the procedure and propose mistakes and alterations, if required, after which the procedure might be settled and prepared for implementation. Management will characterize the timetables and recurrence to execute the procedure i.e. One-Time Process, Recurring Process, Push Start Process, and so forth. The procedure might be instantly executed inside the association, according to the parameters characterized.

Business process and Obizcoin BOT

Clients will have the capacity to activate or run the procedures which they have made in the “Procedure Design Studio”.

Client can likewise characterize One-Time or Recurring Task in this area, on the off chance that they don’t require a procedure to be actuated. Tasks are giving order, wherein numerous systems or steps are not included and are autonomous in nature.

Clients will have the capacity to minutely characterize the parameters of these procedure and assignment. They will also have the capacity to track the general consummation status of the process and assess the time required to complete the procedure, performance of colleagues who have finished the systems on-time or have strayed the procedure in any case.

OBIZCOIN Smart contract convention depends on Ethereum protocol, which is an open source blockchain with distributed computing for smart contracts. Smart contracts are permanent projects put away on the chain, which can ensure contract’s activity. Blockchain innovation would influence the exchanges to be secure and straightforward. Smart contracts will carry transparency into the representative — business relationship and there won’t be any need for discrepancies as desires, expectations and prizes would be hard bolted into Smart contracts and would not be changed without acceptance of all parties.

The task of figuring and adequately executing a company’s procedure in a fast moving worldwide economy has turned out to be progressively troublesome. The accelerated rate of technological change, increased worldwide competition and a more refined client base have consolidated BOT VIRTUAL CEO to challenge senior pioneers to re-examine their plans of action, methods, and instruments for quicker, more responsive methodologies.

Successful strategy formulation is winding up progressively dependent to how well an association assembles, oversees, and combines key data into focused, noteworthy exercises. This data ought to not just contain hard information from auxiliary and essential research and examination; arranging ought to incorporate the points of view of those with key parts and effect both inside and outside the association. Obizcoin BOT will go about as an Intelligent and 24X7 accessible Virtual CEO with rich space aptitude and demonstrated administration strategies worked in

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Obizcoin ICO

“Smart Process BOT” developed on Blockchain & AI Technology